Goerner the Mighty by Edgar Mueller

“He Could Lift an Elephant…”

Goerner the Mighty

by Edgar Mueller

A Genuine Circus Strongman

Mueller 1 - 2If Webster’s dictionary had a picture next to “circus strongman”, it would be that of great Hermann Goerner. Round face, leopard skin, Roman sandals and large hands. Believe me, he looked the part!
Goerner traveled the world over doing strong man acts alone, with his wife, with other strongmen and in circuses.

A Giant of a Man

Hermann Goerner was a giant of a man, weighing at times as much as 290 lb. at 6 feet tall. He had a powerful 54″ expanded chest, 19″ flexed biceps and whopping 15.8″ forearm!

The Authentic Story of the Greatest Strongman

Here’s the full and authentic story of the man who many authorities consider the greatest strongman of all time.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Irving R. Clark

Introduction by John E. Dawe

Chapter 1 – Introducing Hermann Goerner

Chapter 2 – His Early Life

Chapter 3 – His Later Life and Travels

Chapter 4 – His Measurements

Chapter 5 – His Lifting Performances and Feats of Strength

Chapter 6 – His Training Methods

Chapter 7 – His Attitude to Strength Feats

Conclusion – Appreciations – by World Famous Authorities

His Personal Training Information

Written by his long time friend, Edgar Mueller, who knew the intimate secrets and incidents of Hermann’s life as he traveled the world over with a circus. He relates how he developed his prodigious strength, giving exercises and programs as well as other inside training secrets that created this giant of power. You too can apply these methods for developing great power.

Here Are Some of Goerner’s Truly Unbelievable Lifts:

Carrying over 453.592 kg (1,000 lb) across one shoulder.

Deadlift – 360 kg (790 lb) with overhand hook grip, and 380 kg (840 lb) with mixed grip.

Deadlift – 376.48 kg (830 lb).

One-handed block deadlift – 333 kg (734 lb) on July 20th 1920, in Dresden, Germany.

One-handed deadlift – 330 kg (730 lb) on October 8th 1920, in Leipzig, Germany.

One-handed deadlift – 301 kg (664 lb) on October 29th 1920, for which he later received recognition in the Guinness World Records.

Deadlift – 270 kg (600 lb) using just two fingers of each hand, normal and reverse grip was used, on November 30th 1933, in Leipzig, Germany.

Deadlift – Among Goerner’s best deadlifts was a lift of 380 kg (830 lb), rather unorthodox insofar as the makeup of the weight lifted was concerned, it was done in the following manner. Goerner took a bar weighing 200 kg (441 lb), had two men stand, one on each end of the bar, then deadlifted it to full competition height and held it for several seconds to the satisfaction of the judges. Goerner was 42 years old at the time.

Pinch lift – 50 kg (110 lb) on July 10th 1934, in Leipzig, Germany.

Clean and Press – 177.5 kg (391 lb).

One-hand snatch – 77.00 kg (169.75 lb) barbell with 2 3/8” thick handle.

One-hand snatch – 104.10 kg (229.50 lb).

Two-hands anyhow – 195 kg (430 lb).

Two-hands curl – 109.77 kg (242 lb).

Deep-knee bend – 215 kg (474 lb) (held in front!).

Jerk behind the neck – 186.43 kg (411 lb).

Abdominal raise – nearly 90.72 kg ( 200 lb).

Leg pressing 24 men, total weight 1,870 kg (4,120 lb), on a plank with the soles of his feet, in 1921.

At Dresden on July 25th 1920, Goerner lifted the enormous weight of nearly 200 kg (440 lb) overhead in the Two Hands Anyhow style, performing the feat with four kettleweights in the following manner. He first swung with the right hand to arms length, two kettleweights, one weighing 50.0 kg (110.25 lb), and the other 45.0 kg (99.25 lb). Still holding the bells overhead, he then bent down and picked up with the left hand a third kettleweight weighing 50.0 kg (110.25 lb), which he then swung to arms length and transferred to the thumb of the right hand. Then, still holding the three kettleweights overhead in his right hand, he lowered his body carefully and with the left hand picked, up the fourth kettleweight, which he slowly swung to arms length. The combined weight then held overhead for the referee’s count was, as has been stated, no less than 195.5 kg (430 lb).

…and hundreds of other equally amazing feats of strength!

Here’s what George F. Jowett had to say about
Hermann Goerner:

“Comparing Goerner with other old time and present strong men, such as Steinbach, Swoboda, Rigoulot, etc., I am amazed most by his wonderful lift of 793¾ lb. That is an enormous weight to lift off the ground and stand erect. If all the greatest strong men of the world could be brought together, there is no doubt that Hermann Goerner would wear the proud title – World’s Strongest Man!”

Here is unparalleled entertainment and inspiration as well as valuable instruction in the training methods and strength feats of a “gen-u-wine”, real, oldtime circus strongman!

Here Are a Few Testimonials for
This Marvelous Strongman Biography:

“The book, ‘Goerner the Mighty’, was excellent! I really enjoyed it. I think that anybody who is interested in strength should have a copy of it.”
Ken H.
Lexington, Kentucky

“I really enjoyed the book, ‘Goerner the Mighty’, that I bought from you.”
Thom V.
Green Top, Missouri

“Hi Bill, I really liked the book about Hermann Goerner. He had quite a career as a circus strongman performing all kinds of odd lifts.”
Jerry T.
Rexburg, Idaho

“Mr. Hinbern, My last order arrived yesterday. I love old time strongman biographies, especially, when there is information about their training methods. This one on Goerner is one of the best. Thank you!”
Walt G.
Ocean City, New Jersey

“Hi Bill, I got my copy of ‘Goerner the Mighty.’ I was surpised at how much training information was included. The man was an absolute GIANT of a strongman! I have included some of his methods for improving my deadlift. Thanks!”
Jim D.
Cape Coral, Florida

“Just to let you know, I put in an order for another copy of ’Goerner the Mighty’ to give as a birthday gift to my cousin who trains heavy. I will enclose a note to have him contact you for more books. You’re the best source!”
Al R.
Kirksville, Missouri

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

P.S. A beautiful 5″ x 7″ book with 136 pages, 7 chapters, including 32 photos and illustrations.

Goerner the Mighty

by Edgar Mueller

$ 14.95 + S&H

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