
Super Strength Training Testimonials…

Below are listed but a few of the thousands upon thousands of testimonials that we have received during “Our Over 50 Years in the Iron Game!

Please take a moment and read them over.

Thank you!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Testimonials Regarding Our Products and Service

“I’ve been lifting weights since 1965. Yes, that’s a long time, but it makes me an infant in the world of strength. I always encourage young coaches, young trainers and young lifters to ‘know and love the roots of their sports.’

Usually, they tell me that they do and they take their lifting journey all the way back to two years ago…or in some cases, seeing ‘300.’

Before I gripped my first bell, thank you Ted Williams, the foundations of strength training had been laid down. I still find myself pulling out John Jesse, Tom DeLorme and John McCallum every time I see that someone invented something that these three wrote about long before the inventor invented it.

Hack, Hoffman and Park eluded my early reading…so where do I find them? There is a place, a magical place:

‘Bill Hinbern’s World Famous Super Strength Training’

No, you don’t need to be Harry Potter or own a magic wand to find these gems: it’s just a click away.

As I read, reread and rereread the classics, I always wish I could have had the diet information from ‘Keys to Progress’ or Hack’s simple training ideas from ‘The Way to Live’ when I first started.

I can’t change my past.

But you can change your future.

Visit Bill’s site and leave your ego at the door.”
Dan John
Strength Coach and Author

“I have always known Bill Hinbern to produce quality products, however, when I received my copies of ‘Scientific Weight Lifting’ by Thomas Inch and ‘The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training’ and posters – I was blown away! These products are better than the originals! All the best my friend. God Bless,”
Dennis Rogers
Grandmaster Strongman
Oldetime Strongman University
– Houston, Texas

“I’ve been buying books and courses from Bill Hinbern for over 40 years. He’s a true gentleman, and a credit to the Iron Game. His books and courses are must-have reading for all students of strength training, bodybuilding and physical culture.”
Brooks Kubik
Author of “Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and Development”

“Bill Hinbern. I thank YOU! I am so impressed I put you on my favorite list. I can read hours of interesting material regarding acquaintances from the past. You are doing one-heck of a job. Our family wishes yours the best for years to come.”
Bill Pearl
NABBA Mr. Universe 1953, 1956, 1961, 1967, 1971.

“I’ve been a weight trainer, weightlifter, coach, and fan of strength, power, and physical development for over 40 years. I have bought most of Bill Hinbern’s books on the subject and they are great, informative, and interesting. I am very grateful that Bill has made these historic physical culture and strength books available, I treasure them.”
Jim Schmitz
U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Coach 1980, 1988, 1992
– San Francisco, California

“Bill, I have been reading your articles in ‘Iron Man’ (Peary Rader) since about 1974. I have many of your courses including the ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ by Willoughby and Hinbern. Old time training worked. Thanks for offering all of the books you do, this information is vital to ‘Physical Culture’, not the freaked out drug bodies of today. Sincerely,”
Buddy Dreimann

“I have been an athlete for several years and I have always quested and trained for true strength. There is so much false information out there nowadays to sift through. I am very grateful to your website for offering this material. I look forward to reading these books and others in the future just as much as I do to spreading the word about your website. Thanks again.”
Jesse W. – San Diego, California

“Just wanted to again thank you for the advice and the books that I have in the past purchased from you. They have been and continue to be very useful.”
Adam S. – Plano, Texas

“Thanks for keeping great information available, Bill. In a time of too many ‘muscle comics’ out there telling people to take steroids and over-complicated workouts that just overwhelm most people it’s good to have the ‘old-school’ pre-steroid and pre B.S. workout and nutrition information out there.”
Bryan M. – Lakewood, Colorado

“You’re truly a wealth of useful information. Thank you for all the contributions that you’ve have made to the Iron Game. As a natural bodybuilder, I often turn to your publications to gather information on the history of bodybuilding as well as the training techniques used by the oldtime strongmen. Thanks again, Bill!.”
Marc R. – Citrus Heights, California

“Hi Bill, I have bought numerous books from you, including ‘Gray Hair and Black Iron’ by Brooks Kubik – a terrific book. I am 65 years old and for the past three years only have worked out with kettlebells – I was athletic in my younger days, but never a major competitor in anything. I never worked out with weights until the kettlebells recently. I love them; cleans, swings, snatches, presses – I guess I’m more or less sporadic – your books have helped tremendously – so thank you. It is interesting that someone at my low level of performance can learn immeasurably from the great weightlifters. They offer excellent advice etc. I just do it at my weight rep and set poundage levels.”
Ken M. – Brattleboro, Vermont

“It’s a real pleasure for me to do business & correspond with someone of your stature in the weight training world. I’m 55 years old and started out weight training at age 13… I was a real skinny kid and it helped me immensely in sports all through junior high high school. Unfortunately I didn’t train much at all during the next 20 years. But I’ve been back at it since 1990 and while I’ll never be a world beater at lifting super heavy poundages, I still love the feeling of lifting as heavy as I can and have developed a real passion again for the basic’s.”
Bill P. – Watsonville, California

“Hello Bill, I got to say – I received the books today. I ordered them Friday, and received them today (Monday) – WOW THAT IS SOME FAST SHIPPING! Bill – I love these books. You provide a wonderful service, by allowing these wonderful books to once again get into the hands of those who are hungry enough to lift the old fashioned way. The only way. The right way. I will be ordering more books in the near future. Thanks again. Your friend,”
Andrew M. – Lake Forest, California

“Big fan of the company. I have about 7 or 8 of your books sitting on my shelf. I’m glad you’re around.”
Nathan M. – Monmouth, Oregon

“Thank you so much for keeping these old school no-nonsense training materials still in circulation, words cannot fully express my gratitude towards this effort of yours. Much appreciation and Regards,”
Vivek J. – Maharashtra, India

“Thank you for making available so many classic works about the ‘Iron Game.’ Seriously, the knowledge you share makes life so much easier for a natural lifter. Kudos to you!”
James A. – Griffin, Georgia

“Hi Bill, Just letting you know my order arrived safely today. The delivery time was very impressive (I often have to wait longer for items to arrive from the UK so was pleasantly surprised when I received the order) I just want to thank you for offering a fantastic service and I look forward to ordering again. Thanks again,”
Aidan D. – Kildare, Ireland

Reg Park

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