About Super Strength Training…
Dear friend,
After being bedridden for six months, as a child, and doctors telling me I could never participate in sports, I vowed to regain my health and strength and prove them wrong.
I noticed an ad for a physical culture correspondence course by Charles Atlas in the back of a magazine, offering to improve health and strength through physical culture and proper exercise.
After saving my money that summer, I enrolled in the course and never looked back.
The improvement I realized helped me continue on with the sports that I loved.
Some years later, while walking through a store, I purchased magazines called, “Muscle Builder” and “Strength and Health.”
I saw an ad with John Grimek pictured on the box of “Hoffman’s Hi-Protein” food supplement in the back of “Strength and Health,” that directed me to a health food store in nearby Detroit.
I purchased the protein, but, more importantly, on the way out of the store, I noticed something that would change my life, forever.
“Iron Man” magazine.
I was mesmerized by the content and “real world” training articles as well as the advertising for all kinds of publications and equipment that I had never seen before.
Soon, I was answering every classified ad and contacting anyone and everyone with the same Iron Game interests.
I purchased and swapped all kinds of training books, courses, and back date magazines, etc.
With such an accumulation of training material, I decided that, I too, would “Buy, Sell, and Exchange,” training publications.
So, in 1968, I ran my first ad in “Iron Man” and started my own mail-order business out of my bedroom, with an old manual typewriter, some typing paper, envelopes, and six-cent stamps.
My ad immediately generated attention from all over the world.
Soon, I acquired complete collections of nearly all the books and courses, as well as, the “muscle magazines” of the previous one hundred years.
Later, I became the FIRST to make available HIGH QUALITY reprints of many of the classic, rare, hard to find, Iron Game publications.
Today, after over 50 years, I am recognized as the world’s oldest, largest, and most respected distributor of high quality Iron Game publications.

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
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P.S.S. And if you like the old school feel of thumbing through a paper catalog, be sure to click on the picture of my catalog, fill out the form, and order my FREE World Famous Super Strength Training Mail-Order Catalog, TODAY!