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Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training


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Read What Guys Like You Are Saying About Our

“Super Strength Training News Letters”

“You know Bill, I just wanted to take some time and tell you that I appreciate and enjoy the information you share. I love learning new things and find what you have to say delightful, so thank you!”
Mike S. – Greeley, Iowa

“Bill, I just wanted to complement and thank you for these wonderful bits of history. I look forward to reading each and every one. Best regards,”
Ron S. – Flower Mound, Texas

“I want you to know that I really appreciate all your e-mails. The messages that are within them help get me through the day and motivate me on my quest for strength. Thank You!”
Ernesto W. – Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania

“Bill, I appreciate your emails.”
David R. – Apopka, Florida

“Hi Bill, I don’t know if you or somebody read this but I do hope you do. I have been exercising for well over forty years and I am still interested in the “iron game”. I am very pleased to receive your newsletter and I look forward to them every time.”
Per L. – Stockholm, Sweden

“Always enjoy your daily e-mails…keep up the great work.”
Troy S. – Miami, Florida

“Mr. Hinbern, I want to thank you for all things you send to my e-mail. I am a 59 year old man, who for the past 33 years, walks up ski slopes with heavy weight on my shoulders. All my heroes like Bob Hoffman I used to see at York Barbell when I was a kid. I used to love visiting the Hall of Fame because of people like Paul Anderson and John Grimek. I used to get so pumped up over the people from the old school. They were the best teachers. They worked hard. So keep sending your articles, I enjoy reading them. Thanks, again, Bill, sincerely”
Steven J. – Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

“Bill, Thanks again. Your emails are welcome and read every day.”
David R. – New York, New York

“I’m a big fan of your site and love your newsletters!”
Steven G. – Knoxville, Tennessee

“Hi Bill, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your columns! You are my favorite…Don’t stop, okay? Okay!”
Dale S. – Grand Prairie, Texas

“Hi Bill, I just want to say a big ‘Thank You’ for all the great e-mails you have sent me. They are full of knowledge & wisdom. I have learnt a great deal from them. I print them off & keep them in a file as a guide.”
Asaf A. – West Midlands, Great Britain

“Hi Bill, I love your stuff and I always look forward to your emails. As a high school history teacher and basketball coach, I find them to be informative in both an educational and fitness manner.”
Bryan S. – Oak Harbor, Washington

“I feel blessed to enjoy fitness and good health at the age of 61 years. I celebrated this morning with a 12-mile run. I keep fit with pull-ups and jerking and snatching kettlebells. I do appreciate your emails. It’s fun to read about the old-time strongmen. I’ve always been intrigued with the bare-bones style of lifting they practiced to get strong. Keep ’em coming!”
Garold R. – Lansing, Michigan

“Bill, Very well put and thanks for all the good work you are doing. All the old strength wisdom that you keep alive for now and future generations. Take Care,”
Gary S. – Waltham, Massachusetts

“Thanks for your email inspiration!”
Kenny C. – Skokie, Illinois

“You know Bill, I never thought of it in those terms. You’ve encapsulated weight training for the average strength trainee in one sentence, ‘Don’t worry about being bigger and stronger than the next guy, work hard to be bigger and stronger than you were yesterday’, that should be your (site) motto for the typical hard gaining strength trainer. That will be my personal motto from now on. Thanks again, you can’t imagine how much you’ve helped me! I would love what you do even if I didn’t make a purchase from you. ‘The best things in life are free’ – you show your love for what you do when you don’t stand to profit from it. Best regards,”
Mark S. – Kings Langley, Australia

“Thanks a mill for the reply Bill, I enjoy reading your newsletters, keep up the good work as I continually refer people who query true strength training books to you.”
Damien M. – Dublin, Ireland

“I enjoy your emails and the down to earth and hard work approach to things.”
Dave F. – Canal Winchester, Ohio

“Thanks for all your tips and thanks for what you’re doing for the strength world”
Roger B. – Glenwood Springs, Colorado

“For the past month I have been receiving your emails and have never been more energized in the past five years of my lifting to work out.”
Steve C. – Maryland Heights, Missouri

“My biggest inspiration is opening up your emails and being able to share the experience of physical culture with you.”
John C. – Middletown, New York

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