Bodybuilding & Weightlifting E-Books

Kindle E-Books

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Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Here they are! The FIRST of many Kindle books that will soon be made available. These Lessons 1 and 2 of one of our all-time best sellers teaching the ways of “old school” physical culture. Not just a hobby, but a life-long culture involving not only physical strength but life-long physical well-being. A culture that has, unfortunately, nearly died out, but is now enjoying a resurgence. This famous physical culture, conditioning, course is extremely popular and useful for anyone that is involved to other sport activities such as wrestling, jiu jitsu, baseball, football, track, golf, etc. It is praised by champion athletes, high school, college, and professional coaches, alike. Click on the images and share what others have done to improve themselves…

The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding – Lesson 1
The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding – Lesson 2
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