Stretching by Bob Anderson


by Bob Anderson

“How’s Your Flexibility?”

Anderson S 4-8-14Stretching by Bob Anderson hit the scene in 1980, way ahead of its time, when a lot of ordinary people were getting interested in fitness and were starting to run, cycle, and work out.

It had stretching routines for these beginners, as well as for serious competitive athletes.

It also included general stretches for everyday activities.

People liked its simple, sensible approach with clear black and white illustrations that accompany each and every exercise.

Trainers and doctors found it to be such a valuable resource they recommended it to patients and clients.

This 40th Anniversary Edition has helped people of all ages, sizes, and levels of fitness increase their flexibility and stay in shape.

Why stretching is more important than ever

It’s no secret, with today’s increased sedentary worklife, everyone, without exception, needs to increase their flexibility.

If you participate in sports, it is vital that you include stretching as well as warming up.

Those that go to the gym regularly will notice the benefits immediately especially if the stretching is done properly as illustrated in this book.

In this day and age when more time is spent by everyone in front of a computer, stretching has become an absolute necessity.

Today’s aging population needs to concentrate on their flexibility through the use of the exercises contained in this book.

In addition, no matter what kind of shape you’re in or what kind of activity you do, stretching relieves stress and gets you ready for action.

The basic principles of staying flexible and fit for a lifetime are found in this book.

It is important to adhere to the methods of slow, steady stretching—paying close attention to how the stretch feels.

This book reflects the idea that stretching is the simplest of all fitness activities, one that can be done throughout the day—and for a lifetime.

Here are some of the topics covered from the contents:


Who should stretch

When to stretch

Why stretch

How to stretch

Warming up and cooling down

Getting started

The Stretches

Stretches for your back

Stretches for the Legs, Feet, and Ankles

Stretches for the Back, Shoulders, and Arms

Stretches for the Lower Back, Hips, Groin, and Hamstrings

Stretching on a Chin-Up Bar

Stretches for the Hands, Wrists, and Forearms

Learning the Splits

And much, much more!

Stretching Routines for Sports like Aerobic Exercise, Baseball/Softball, basketball, Cycling, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hiking, Hockey, Martial Arts, Rock Climbing, Running, Skiing, Soccer, Swimming, Weight Training, Wrestling, etc.

Testimonials for:
“Stretching” by Bob Anderson

“In that book is also a good set of exercises for arm & hand stretching, I can now close Captains of Crush #1 several times, not yet #2 – but not much missing, and you bet that stretching lower arm and hand muscles after claw curls, hammer leverages & all is in place.
With most gratitude,”
Antti P. – Finland

“Every stretch you will ever need…”
Rocky Mountain News

“The field’s pioneer work…”
Athletic Journal

“…a bible of the stretching gospel.”
Washington Post

“Stretching can get the beginner started and keep the hard core fitness addict in shape.”
Jackson Daily News

“Bob Anderson’s Stretching is the best I’ve seen on the market; I use the exercises myself…”
Art Ulene, M.D. – The Today Show

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

P.S. A 8½” x 11″ softcover training manual with 240 pages and thousands of line illustrations with a beautiful glossy color cover.

The original edition has sold over 3¾ million copies worldwide in 24 languages!

A Great book!


by Bob Anderson

$ 23.95 + S&H

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