The Way To Live in Health and Physical Fitness by George Hackenschmidt

The Way to Live

In Health & Physical Fitness

(or Physical Strength and How I Acquired It)

by George Hackenschmidt


“So Powerful in the Ring…

They called him the Russian Lion!”

Hackenschmidt 1 - 1 - 2The beauty of this book is that it is 4 books in one…a biography, a photo album, a book about a strongman, a book about a world champion wrestler!

This combination training manual and biography was originally published in 1908 and by 1940, after 21 editions, was considered the largest selling book on physical culture ever! Georges Karl Julius Hackenschmidt, The Russian Lion, is one of the immortals of the strong man world. The World’s Strongest Man, holder of many World’s Strength Records, and World’s Champion Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestler.

He fully explains how he lived, his method of exercise, nutrition, bathing, sleep, etc., with a complete course in barbell and dumbbell training. He tells the story of his life, his early days under the guidance of Dr. Vladislav von Krajewski, founder of the “St. Petersburg Athletic and Cycling Club” and physician to the Czar of Russia, and Dr. Theodore Siebert, the famous German weight lifting pioneer. He relates tales of his wrestling bouts with; Martin “Farmer” Burns, Frank Gotch, Tom Jenkins, George Lurich, Stanislaus Zbyszko, etc.

Every line reflects the experience and knowledge of a man who has spent a lifetime studying the subjects on which he writes.

Table of Contents

Chapter I – Introduction

Chapter II – Why should we be strong?

Chapter III – Adaptability and Characteristics

Chapter IV – Physical Perfection and Strength

Chapter V – Nutrition

Chapter VI – Rest and Wholesome Sleep

Chapter VII – Training

Chapter VIII – Exercises without Weights

Chapter IX – Muscle Exercises with Weights

Chapter X – Weights for Exercises

Chapter XI – Exercises for Athletes

Chapter XII – Time Tables for Training

Chapter XIII – Dr von Krajewski, the Father of Athletics and his System of Life


Here’s Some Commentary Regarding This Age Old Classic:


“Thank you very much for sending a copy of ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt. You did a great job with it…and thank goodness there are people like you who understand the value of books like this and are willing to put out the time and effort to keep them alive in the culture!”
Mike Chapman
International Wrestling Institute and Museum
Newton, Iowa

“I really enjoyed my copy of ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt. It was well worth the wait. My training partner also likes it. Since his birthday is soon, I am ordering another copy.”
Gary V.
Cicero, Illinois

“Just received my copy of ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt. The book is fantastic! I especially liked the many photographs that are nice and clear.”
Joe M.
Madison, New Jersey

“Just a quick note to let you know that I enjoyed ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt very much.”
Royal D.
Peoria, Illinois

“Many, many thanks for ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt! It is awesome and blows ‘modern’ training books away. The focus on health from training has long been lost in the modern world.”
Paul C.
Manchester, England

“I recently received my copy of ‘The Way to Live in Health & Physical Fitness’ by George Hackenschmidt. It was very interesting, truly informative and inspiring too. And the pictures are awesome. Once again, thanks for keeping the old Manly ways of training alive for us today.”
Joseph P.
Pitkin, Louisiana

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

P.S. A 5″ x 7″ softcover book with 173 pages, 13 chapters, and over 89 photos and illustrations.

BONUS! The publisher has added additional rare, never before published photos of George Hackenschmidt not to be found in the original edition!

The Way to Live

in Health & Physical Fitness

by George Hackenschmidt

$ 19.95 + S&H

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