“How Mr. Deadlift…
picked up 725¾ lbs. at 181 lbs.
for a World Record!”
Developing Physical Strength
by Bob Peoples
In the early 1970s I had a conversation with Olympic Weight Lifting Champion, Paul Anderson.
I asked him who he thought really inspired him early on in his lifting when he was starting out. Among the names he mentioned was Bob Peoples of Johnson City, Tennessee.
Developing Physical Strength
Bob “Mr. Deadlift” Peoples tells of the unique training methods that he used to deadlift 725¾ lbs. at a body-weight of 181 lbs. on March 4th 1949.
That’s right, he lifted over 4 times his body-weight!
See Never Before Published Pictures of
Bob Peoples and His Equipment
See rare photos of his: original power rack; crude home made equipment made of 2x4s, 55 gallon drums filled with scrap iron, etc.; training quarters literally carved out of rock in his cellar (referred to as “The Dungeon” by Paul Anderson).
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword by Alta Peoples Barwick and Bill Anderson
Introduction by Paul Anderson “World’s Strongest Man”
Preface by Bob Hise
Developing Physical Strength
The Power Rack or Loading Rack
The Bench Press
The Value of Keeping Notes and Records
Limiting Factors
Systems and Methods I Have Followed
Eccentric Movements or Exercise
Special Exercises
The Dead Lift
The Sweep
The Centrifugal Machine
Static Contraction
The author discusses the following:
Read what it was like growing up with this legendary strongman in the Foreword by Bob People’s daughter, Alta Peoples Barwick.
Discover what world famous Olympic Weight Lifting Champion, Paul Anderson has to say about Bob’s ingenuity when it came to better ways of training in the Introduction.
Hear what Bob Hise, Publisher-Editor of “The International Olympic Lifter,” has to say about training along side a champion weight lifter.
Find out how the author got started in weight lifting and his philosophy on Developing Physical Strength.
Why the Power Rack or Loading Rack is an indispensable piece of equipment for reaching your personal record poundages in training.
Although the author is world famous for his dead lifting ability, few people know that he had secret methods for doing The Bench Press.
Bob Peoples goes into detail about the Value of Keeping Notes and Records in your training for making the fastest progress.
Most people think all the champion lifters are genetically superior or “naturals” Surprisingly enough, Bob talks about some of the Limiting Factors that he has seen some of these champion lifters overcome.
Here the author talks about some of the systems and methods of the old time greats that he followed from the time he started training, what he found worked best for him, and what didn’t.
Several pages of rare, heretofore, unpublished and unseen photos from the family scrapbook of Bob’s winter training quarters, known as “The Dungeon,” various poses, etc.
A look at the author’s approach to Eccentric Movements and how he used them in training for record lifts.
A list of the 15 special exercises that Bob used the most in his training and that he felt were readily adaptable.
Why The Dead Lift was Bob Peoples best and favorite lift, his experimentation with different styles, and the method he used for his record breaking lift.
How to build a “Sweep” for building up your endurance.
The advantages of a Centrifugal Machine in your training and how to build one.
Two ways of using Static Contraction and the benefits in your training.
A summary of Bob Peoples training methods and philosophy.
Twenty-one Illustrations showing various pieces of homemade training equipment that the author used to develop his tremendous functional strength.
And much, much more!
Testimonials Regarding Bob People’s Book:
“I have finished ‘Developing Physical Strength’ by Bob Peoples and really enjoyed it. Thank you for making it available.”
– Mike H., San Mateo, California
“I remember Bob Peoples and his great dead lifting when the dead lift was still one of the ‘odd lifts’.”
– Jack R. Greely, Colorado
“Thanks! Just got it and read it yesterday. Great book, great pics in the book, etc. I love his old Dungeon gym!”
– Dave H., Salem, New Hampshire
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
P.S. Another pre-steroid 6″ x 9″ softcover training manual with 50 pages and 41 photos and illustrations with a beautiful glossy color cover. A Great book!