How to Use a Barbell by William Pullum

How to Use a Barbell

A Manual of Instruction for the Would-Be Strong Man

by William A. Pullum

“The Wizard of the Weight-Lifting World!”

Pullum 2-2Originally published in England in 1925 and revised in 1932. This marvelous training manual contains the how-to of 50 separate exercises and offers 12 distinct courses of weight training.

A Masterpiece of Instructional Literature!

Contents include:

Table of Contents

By H. Wentworth-James (Editor of “Health and Strength”)

By the Author

Muscular Development
Exercises No. 1-20: for the Lower Leg, Upper Leg, Trunk, Forearm, Upper Arm, Shoulder, and Neck

Great Strength
Exercises No. 21-40: for the Lower Leg, Upper Leg, Trunk, Forearm, Upper Arm, Shoulder, Neck, and Combined Shoulder and Neck

Corrective Exercises
Exercises No. 41-47 for Broadening the Shoulders, Developing the Chest, Correcting Curve of the Spine, Flattening a Rounded Back, Deepening the Chest, Correct Knock-Knees and Bow-Legs

Strength, Speed and Balance Exercises
Exercises No. 48-50: for All-round Strength Developing, Developing Speed and Proper Sense of Timing and Direction, Developing a Sense of Balance and Power of Co-ordination

Advice on Training
Courses Used by Six Different Champions Trained by the Author

Specimen Training Courses
Six Different Training Courses Selected by the Author

Techniques of the 44 BAWLA (British Amateur Weight-Lifting Association) Recognized Lifts

Educational Positions with Dumb-Bells

Important Detail with the Two Hands Anyhow

In addition, learn about the author’s special Challenge Barbell and unclaimed prize of £100 to anyone who could duplicate his famous “double-bodyweight” feat of strength.

Read What This Famous Author
Says About William Pullum

“I have never been able to quite figure out why William A. Pullum, the famous featherweight champion and physical culture teacher of England never got more notice than he did in our American publications. Some of our younger readers are probably ignorant of his outstanding achievements in the world of weights.”
Leo Gaudreau
author of “Anvils, Horseshoes and Cannons”

“This book is a classic that should be on every serious weight lifter hobbyists book shelf. The importance is the set of rules and right technique detailed.
Thank you for great product!!!”

Antti Piironen
Uusimaa, Finland

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Order a copy of this beautiful 5½” x 8½” softcover book with over 61 pages and 25 photographs.


How to Use a Barbell

by William Pullum

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Click on either book by William Pullum for more information:

Pullum 1-2

Weight-Lifting Made Easy and Interesting
by William Pullum

Pullum 2-2

How to Use a Barbell
by William Pullum


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