The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding by Willoughby and Hinbern

The Most Complete, Scientific and Informative Course on Bodybuilding Ever Offered!

David P. Willoughby’s…

World Famous Deluxe Home Training Manual

“The Master Method of
Health, Strength and Bodybuilding”

Willoughby 1 - 2

There are plenty of bodybuilding courses around that will teach you how to do a one arm curl.

But have you seen any instruction offered on how to train to do a one-arm chin up?

A handstand push up?

A one-finger push up?

Or how about a one-legged squat?

This course is simply written, loaded with valuable illustrations, and gets right to the task of teaching you progressive resistance training.

About the Author

At the age of 16 David P. Willoughby became interested in weightlifting, later won the A.A.U. Championship of Southern California in 1923-24-25-26 and in 1924 was A.A.U. National Champion.

He founded the first weightlifting association in America in 1925 recognized by the A.A.U. as well as the first list of lifts, rules and regulations in connection with the “American Continental Weightlifter’s Association.”

For over 50 years he wrote hundreds of articles on weightlifting and bodybuilding in such famous publications as “Iron Man,” “Physical Culture,” “Superman,” “Your Physique,” “Strength and Health,” etc.

His magazine serial articles on strongmen including; “Kings of Strength,” “Feats of Strength,” and “Strength Through the Ages,” are considered to be the most complete coverage of the subject ever written!

Some of his many books include: “Arm Development,” “Powerful Arms for You,” “Powerful Chest for You,” “The Kings of Arm Strength,” “The Complete Guide to Muscular Measurements,” and “The Super Athletes” (which is probably the foremost work ever written on athletic performance).

As a lifting champion, writer, historian, anthropologist, gym owner, Willoughby’s contributions to bodybuilding and weightlifting are enormous!

A Brief Outline of the Ten Comprehensive Books:

Lesson 1. Preliminary Program: Conditioning Exercises

Great Strength Can Only Be Built on Internal Power


The purpose of this course of instruction. How much time you can expect to dedicate for optimum results. What you can expect.


The plan of this 10 Lesson Course, describing how it is laid out, where to start, which Lessons to include from the very beginning.

Morning Exercises
Exercises for giving internal massage to the abdominal organs, thus promoting healthful action of the intestines and overcoming constipation; for energizing the spinal cord and nervous system; and for developing the muscles of the lower abdomen and groins.

Evening Exercises
Preliminary program of exercises for organic conditioning and for general muscular development: for the neck, chest, arms, sides, abdomen, loins and thighs.

The importance of deep breathing describing how to benefit from ALL FOUR areas of breathing. How to breathe while exercising including the secret of “double breathing”.

The skin, its function; how to keep it in proper condition. The tonic bath and its benefits.

Some General Rules for Exercising

The dos and don’ts of physical culture. A number of beneficial habits to cultivate and those to avoid.

Lesson 2. Nutrition in Relation to Physical Development

Reducing Excess Fat and Gaining Muscularity

The Importance of an Adequate Diet

The interdependence of exercise and nutrition, how they interact with one another for the best possible results in developing a strong, muscular, body.

The Classification and Uses of Various Common Foods

A complete discussion of the Three Fundamental Food Classes: Proteins; Carbohydrates; and Fats; what they are, what they contribute to the body, and which foods provide the best source.

A complete discussion of all the established vitamins, what they are, how they interact with other elements, what they contribute to the body, and which foods provide the best source.

A complete discussion of all the established minerals, what they are, how they interact with other elements, what they contribute to the body, and which foods provide the best source.

A complete discussion regarding the importance of water, how it functions in the body, which foods provide the best Source.

A complete discussion of the importance of cellulose, what it is, what it does, and which foods provide the best source.

The Best Sources of the Various Food Elements and the Comparative Nutritional Value of Important Foods

A complete discussion of the staple articles of diet: Meat; Fish; Milk; Eggs; Fruits and Vegetables; Breads and Cereals; Legumes, Nuts and Seeds; Sweeteners.

General Dietetic Rules for Nutritional Consumption

When and how to consume various nutritional elements for best results. Which nutritional elements to consume, which nutritional elements to avoid, and why.

Food Supplements

A discussion regarding the importance and the best sources for natural food supplements.

The Basis for an Adequate Diet

Natural foods, and their amounts, which ones should be included in everyone’s dietary regime for best results.

How to Increase Body Weight

The necessary elements for gaining muscular body weight. The basic dietetic procedure for gaining weight. Foods to be consumed. Foods to be avoided. The chief dietetic rule for underweight persons. When, why, and how to eat to increase body weight.

The High Protein Muscular Weight Gaining Diet

A sample menu including what to eat, when to eat, serving size, food supplements, etc., for gaining muscular body weight.

How to Reduce Body Weight

The general dietary rules for reducing body weight. The basic dietetic procedure for reducing weight. Foods to be consumed. Foods to be avoided. When, why, and how to eat to reduce body weight.

The Low Carbohydrate Fat Reducing Diet

A diet designed for those who have difficulty losing weight on the usual low-calorie diet. It provides a long listing of a wide variety of suggested common foods, including their measure of calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate.


The importance of adequate rest and its relationship to building optimum physical conditioning. Helpful rules and suggestions for bringing about restful sleep.

Lesson 3. A Classical Torso – How You Can Obtain One

Progressive Exercises for the Waist, Sides and Abdomen

Waistline Strength – Key to Physical Fitness
The purpose of the waist muscles; the emphasis given them by the ancient Greeks.

Abdominal Exercises
Numerous valuable exercises for the abdominal and groin muscles, together with complete directions for their application as progress in strength is made.

Oblique Exercises
Powerfully effective exercises for the important, though usually neglected, muscles of the sides of the waist.

Abdominal Exercises in Relation to Hernia or Rupture
Authoritative information on what a hernia or rupture is, the cause, treatment by means of exercise, and prevention.

The problem of constipation, its cause and cure.

Advanced Mid-Section Training
Introducing the Single-Progressive System. Moving on to the Double-Progressive System. How to avoid over-training. How to apply the “Set System” to your training.

How to Apply the Exercises Given in This Lesson
Continuing your progression in strength by substituting advanced exercises.

Lesson 4. Sturdy and Shapely Legs – How to Secure Them

Progressive Exercises for the Thighs, Calves, Hips and Buttocks

The Relationship of Leg Development to Vitality, Strength and Appearance

How strong leg muscles benefit the circulatory and respiratory systems of the body. The importance of strong muscular thigh and buttocks muscles to the maximum overall strength of an athlete.

The Muscular Anatomy of the Hips and Thighs

Anatomical divisions of the legs. The functions of each muscle group. How to obtain the best results in leg development.

Thigh, Hip and Buttock Exercises
The best exercises for strengthening the heart and lungs. A new and simple means for exercising the thigh and buttock muscles that develops maximum size and power in these parts, producing wonderful thighs and trim, firmly-knit knees. How to develop the hip muscles. How to obtain a full, rounded development of the under thigh muscles.

Calf Exercises

An informative discussion of why, in many persons, the calves are difficult to develop; together with constructive advice. Developing exercises for the calf muscles that really produce results. Exercises for the shin muscles.

Advanced Leg Training

Introducing the Single-Progressive System. Moving on to the Double-Progressive System. How to avoid over-training. How to apply the “Set System” to your training.
(CORRECTIVE exercises for the legs and feet will be given in Lesson 8)

A Review of the Previous Lessons and Prescription of Exercises to be Applied at Your Present Stage of Training

Important advice for the beginner in utilizing this course of instruction.

Lesson 5. Developing a Strong and Well-Shaped Neck; Powerful Loins

Progressive Exercises for the Neck and Loins

Part One. The Neck – A Barometer of One’s Vitality

The ideal proportionate size of the neck. Why the condition of the neck is an indicator of good health.

The Muscular Anatomy of the Neck

An explanation of the function of the various muscles of the neck. The ideal relationship of the size of the neck to the size of the chest.

Neck Exercises

Interesting and effective exercises for the neck.

Two-Man Resistance Neck Exercises

Various means for developing to perfection each and every part of the neck.

Part Two. The Loins – The Foundation of A Man’s Bodily Strength

The prime importance of strong loins to great strength. The anatomy and functions of the spinal muscles.

Loin Exercises

A series of unsurpassed exercises for lower back development.

Supplementary Two-Man Back Exercises

Numerous special exercises together with supplementary exercises and tests.

Advanced Neck and Loin Training

Introducing the Single-Progressive System. Moving on to the Double-Progressive System. How to avoid over-training. How to apply the “Set System” to your training.

Prescription of Exercises to be Applied at Your Present Stage of Training

What your current physical training routine should look like.

Lesson 6. How to Broaden Your Shoulders and Back. Building a Fine Chest

Progressive Exercises for the Shoulders, Front Chest and Upper Back

Part One. The Importance of Shoulder Strength

Why broad shoulders enhance the overall appearance. How shoulder strength assists the rest of the body during lifting heavy weight.

The Muscular Anatomy of the Shoulders

The muscles of the shoulders, their functions, and the best exercises for developing them.

Shoulder Exercises

Special exercises for filling out all portions of the shoulders, the hollows over the collarbones, and the upper back; and for increasing the bony breadth of the shoulders.

Advanced Exercises for Shoulder Development

An introduction of how to do a handstand for developing the limit of size and power in the deltoid and upper back muscles.

Part Two. Acquiring a Full, Deep, High-Arched Chest

How to obtain a vaulted conformation of the chest itself. Developing the muscles of the breast, the broad of the back, the armpits, the sides and lower front of the chest, and between the ribs.

The Muscular Anatomy of the Chest

The muscles of the chest, their functions, and the best exercises for developing them.

Chest Exercises

Exercises that materially increase the girth of the chest and greatly improve the shape of the back. Special exercises for developing, and feats for testing, the muscles of the chest and back.

Part Three. A Broad, Powerful Upper Back

The muscles of the back, how to develop them for power and shape.

Upper Back Exercises

The best exercises for developing the back muscles. Learn to do a one-arm chin up.

Advanced Shoulder, Chest and Upper Back Training

Introducing the Single-Progressive System. Moving on to the Double-Progressive System. How to avoid over-training. How to apply the “Set System” to your training.

Prescription of Exercises to be Applied at Your Present Stage of Training

What your current physical training routine should look like.

Lesson 7. Developing A Wrist of Steel, A Vise-Like Grip, A Powerful Pair of Arms

Progressive Exercises for the Upper Arms, Forearms, Wrists, Hands and Fingers

Magnificent Arm Development

A discussion on the importance of well-developed arms in relation to the rest of the bodily proportions.

The Muscular Anatomy of the Arm

Upper-body vs. lower-body development. A complete discussion of how the muscles, bones, joints, etc., function in relation to one another.

Upper Arm Exercises

The best exercises for developing the biceps, triceps, and other upper arm muscles.

Forearm, Hand and Finger Exercises

A wide variety of the most interesting exercises and tests for these parts.

Miscellaneous Exercises and Tests for the Fingers and Grip

A summary of popular tests and specialty feats of strength of famous “strong men”.

Advanced Upper Arm, Forearm and Grip Training

Introducing the Single-Progressive System. Moving on to the Double-Progressive System. How to avoid over-training. How to apply the “Set System” to your training.

Exercises Adopted from This Lesson, and A Review of Exercises Previously Recommended for Regular Use

Where you should be with your current physical training while exercising without dumbbells, or with a pair of adjustable dumbbells.

Lesson 8. Stretching or Limbering Exercises; Corrective Exercises

Part One. Exercises for Suppleness and Flexibility

Exercises for the hips, thighs, calves, ankles, back, shoulders and chest. Self-applied movements for adjusting the spine.

First Series – For the Hips, Thighs, Calves and Ankles

Exercises for loosening the hip-joints and back-thigh muscles. Exercises for stretching the backs of the thighs, the spine, calf muscles, and for making the ankle-joints flexible.

Second Series- For the Back, Shoulders and Chest

Exercises for promoting flexibility in the spinal column, loosening the shoulders and shoulder-joints, broadening the shoulders, back muscles, and chest. Advanced exercises for loosening the shoulders and chest.

Part Two. Corrective Exercises

Rules and exercises for promoting correct posture and for remedying local structural defects.

First Series – For Correcting the Shoulders and Back

Special exercises for correcting round-shoulders, a rounded or “turtleback,” a lateral spinal curvature, hollow back, and increasing the height.

Second Series – For Correcting Deformities of the Feet

Exercises for correcting flatfoot, fallen metatarsal arches, and structural defects of the legs, such as knock-knee and bowleg.

Summary of Exercise Rules and Posture Habits

Suggested daily exercises, nutrition, and recuperation advice for maintaining proper flexibility and posture.

Lesson 9. An Analysis of Your Physique: What It Is Now and What It Should Be

Body Form an Index to Body Function

Physical fitness largely reflected in the size, shape and appearance of the body. The factors which determine one’s ideal weight and measurements.

Each Person His Own Standard

Size of Muscles Governed by Size of Bones

Height and Girth NOT Directly Related

Measurement Record of Student: With Prescription of Ideal Measurements According to the Author’s Standard

Tabular presentation of correct measurements and classification as to Body-Build, applying to the individual student.

How to Take the Standard External Measurements of the Body

A thorough explanation of exactly how to take and record measurements of the body.

The Ideal Size, Shape, Development and Proportions of Various Parts of the Body

A complete and highly informative discussion, presenting new and accurate rules and methods for determining the ideal measurements and proportions of the Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Forearms, Wrists, Chest, Waist, Hips, Thighs, Knees, Calves and Ankles. – A veritable mine of information for all interested in physical perfection.

The Willoughby Symmetrometer: Showing the Relationship of the Individual in Size and Symmetry to the Ideal Standard for His Height and Build

Lesson 10. Advanced Training for Physical Perfection. Anatomy in Relation to Exercise and Muscular Development

Facts concerning the structure of the body and the extent to which it may be developed and improved by proper exercise.

The Skeleton

Its relationship to the muscles. How the bones may be made thicker.

The Joints

Their construction and purpose. The function of the Ligaments.

The Tendons

Their classification. The difference between Tendons and Ligaments.

The Muscles

Interesting facts and figures, presented to physical culturists for the first time, relating to the structure, functions, strength and response to exercise of the muscles, tendons and bones.

Index to the Action of the Muscles

Three Beautiful Anatomy Illustrations of the Farnese Hercules Showing the Location of the Principal Muscles of the Body

These anatomical charts illustrate the location of the principal muscles of the body and enumerate the exercises which develop each. A few words about the illustrations of the Farnese Hercules.

A Table of the Principal Voluntary Muscles and Exercises Which Develop Them

Explanation of the names of the muscles and of the various movements of the body.

Some Principles of Muscular Physiology

Some Further Considerations and Suggestions for Enabling the Pupil to Plan His Future Training

Two sample exercise programs Mainly for Keeping Physically Fit. Two sample exercise programs for Building a Well Proportioned Physique and All-round Strength. Two sample exercise programs for Building One’s Individual Limit of Muscular Development and Strength.

Beautifully Prepared. Profusely Illustrated. Authoritative. a Veritable Encyclopedia of Exercises. Incorporating New and Original Principles that Produce Maximum Results!

Read What Others Say About
This World Famous Mail-Order Course:

“Bill, I have been reading your articles in ‘Iron Man’ (Peary Rader) since about 1974. I have many of your courses including ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’. Old time training worked. Thanks for offering all of the books you do, this information is vital to ‘Physical Culture’, not the freaked out drug bodies of today. Sincerely,”
Buddy Dreimann
– 1994 NABBA Mr USA

“Your and Mr. Willoughby’s, ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding Course’ is terrific! I’ve been referring to it since I received it in June of 2008. Results have been terrific, considering I only have four hundred pounds to work with. Definitely well worth the money I paid for it!”
Felix E.,
Greensburg, Pennsylvania

“I ordered your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ and was surprised to find excellent exercises that I’ve never seen before. It is a thousand times better than the uninformed junk you find on the bookshelves!”
Houston, Texas

“Sometime ago I bought ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ and I find it to be the best.”
W. Palm Beach, Florida

“I’d like to make a case for your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ system. It is a real gem–loaded with great info, well illustrated, easy to understand, and comprehensive. Don’t sell yourself short.”
Dan S.,
Niskayuna, New York

“I have learned more to incorporate into my routine from your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ (and I am no beginner) than I could learn from any magazine on the market.”
Tulsa, Oklahoma

“I was very pleased with your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’! I found it very interesting, practical, and, of course, thorough! I’m using some of the exercises for flexibility with my pupils in the gym. I think that course is a must in every collection.”
Kristianstad, Sweden

“Your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ is very fine, particularly the section dealing with the waist line is excellent. No other physical culture course deals with the waist line so much and in such detail.”
Bangalore, India

“I have just received ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ and I must say I am greatly impressed.”
London, England

‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ was both very comprehensive and detailed. Great practical training information not found elsewhere.”
Richard M.
Jamaica, New York

“Thanks for the quick delivery of ‘The Master Method of Strength, Health and Bodybuilding’ which is packed with great ideas for training and health.”
Duncan G.
East Sussex, England

“What about ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’? Well, the principal thing I learnt was this: ‘Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny’. Only for this, The Master Method…‘ is invaluable for me. Thanks!”

“I keep ‘re-visiting’ ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’, a never-old course.”
Miguel J.
Madrid, Spain

“I have found your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ courses very helpful, especially the lesson on nutrition.”
B. J. H. Jr.
Augusta, Georgia

‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ that I ordered from you has been very useful in developing programs for times when I am away from home and lack access to equipment. A good number of the exercises were similar to types we used in gymnastics, but your methods in performing them to increase the difficulty are a boon. Additionally, your series of leg exercises using body-weight are quite effective. Thank you for the great training info!”

“I am enjoying ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ more and more with time. It is truly well-balanced and effective.”
John C.
San Anselmo, California

‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ purchased last year is the best, concise program I’ve ever seen!”
George B.
Harrison Twp, Michigan

“I enjoyed the 10 lesson course, ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’! I found very useful information enclosed.”
Thomas R.
Cedar Knolls, New Jersey

“Your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ course is great. It shows excellent and effective exercises which were unknown to me, but add variety (for example the handstand push-up, walking for the legs, leverage exercises with a chair…). Simple exercises, but great ones.”
Daniel I.
Rotkrueuz, Switzerland

“You may recall that last year I ordered a copy of ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’. I have found it to be an excellent course, and have made good progress with it, especially with regard to my triceps development.”
Brett C.
Auckland, New Zealand

“Hi Bill, I wanted to compliment you on ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’. I wish I had known many of these exercises years ago. Especially the exercises for the trunk as they would have prevented many of the injuries I battled. It smacks of the good “old school” wisdom that is the core of sensible training. Thanks for writing it and also holding a copy for me.”
David F.
Canal Winchester, Ohio

“I received ‘The Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’, and they are well-written–great source of information.”
T. S.
Tempe, Arizona

“Bill your ‘Master Method of Health, Strength and Bodybuilding’ is really great, I am able to perform a one legged squat at 48 years of age!”
John C.
Middletown, New York

Now benefit from the vast knowledge and experience of David P. Willoughby, one of the most famous training authorities of all time, and consider ordering the best training manual ever written!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

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