The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training by Bob Hoffman

The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training

by Bob Hoffman

Just Released!

Revised Edition Compiled and Edited by Bill Hinbern

York BB Cover 2 -1 - 2The York Barbell and Dumbbell System is, beyond a doubt, one of the classics among strength training publications. In fact, the training methods found here are often referred to time and time again by all the best authors of serious strength training publications, even to this day! The subject of the York Courses, as they are commonly referred to, sooner or later will pop up whenever these authors talk about fast, result producing training methods, especially for beginners!

This is a revised and edited edition based on the original York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training, in an improved, more convenient, easier to read format so that there is nothing left to chance. Furthermore, keep in mind that none of the original ideas, exercises, training methods, illustrations, etc., have been left out.

Not only are the Four York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses included, but the very rare and nearly impossible to find Courses Five and Six along with their original full size fold out wall chart posters!

This is a rare opportunity to obtain the entire series of all 6 York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses and full size fold out wall chart posters in one package!

Some of York’s National, Olympic and Record Breaking Weightlifting Champions!

Richard Bachtell – U.S. Senior National Weightlifting Champion 1929-1931, 1934, 1935, and 1937. Member of the 1932 U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team.

York Photo 4 - 2John Davis – 1948 and 1952 Olympic Weightlifting Champion, he won 6 World Weightlifting Championships and 12 U.S. National Championships, and was UNDEFEATED from 1938 to 1953 at Super Heavy Weight!

Pete George – 1948 and 1956 Olympic Weightlifting Silver Medalist, 1952 Olympic Weightlifting Champion.

Bill Good – 1930-1935 and 1937 U.S. National Weightlifting Champion.

John Grimek – 1936 U.S. National Weightlifting Champion, 1936 U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Team member, York Perfect Man 1939, A.A.U. Mr. America 1940 and 1941, Most Muscular Man in America 1946, Health & Strength Mr. Universe 1948, Professional Mr. U.S.A. 1949. Retired UNDEFEATED in bodybuilding!

Tommy Kono – Olympic Weightlifting Champion 1952, 1956, Silver Medal 1960. World Weightlifting Champion 1953, 1954, 1955, 1957 1958, 1959, Bronze Medal 1961, Silver Medal 1962. Pan American Games Champion 1955, 1959, 1963. Kono is the ONLY Olympic weightlifter in history to have set world records in FOUR different weight classes: lightweight, middleweight, light-heavyweight, and middle-heavyweight. 26 World Records, 7 Olympic Records, 8 Pan American Games Records. Head coach of the 1976 United States Olympic Weightlifting Team. Mr. Universe 1955, 1957 and 1961. Iron Man Mr. World 1954. U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame 1990. Association of Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen (A.O.B.S.) Hall of Fame 1990. International Weightlifting Federation Hall of Fame 1993.

Art Levan – U.S. National Weightlifting Champion at 126 pounds.

Norb Schemansky – The FIRST Olympic Weightlifter to win 4 medals: 1948 Silver, 1952 Gold, 1960 Bronze and 1964 Bronze. He set 24 world records in weightlifting. 1955 Pan-American Games Gold Medal winner. He won 9 AAU National Heavyweight titles, 1949, 1965. Three World Championships – 1951, 1953, and 1954.

Steve Stanko – National Heavyweight Champion 1938, 1939, and 1940. World Champion 1940. The FIRST man to total 1,000 pounds in the three Olympic lifts on April 19, 1941. AAU Junior Mr. America 1944. AAU Senior Mr. America 1944, where he also won Best Arms, Back and Chest. He was the FIRST Mr. Universe 1947.

Tony Terlazzo – 1932 Olympic Weightlifting Bronze Medal winner. The FIRST American to win a Gold Medal in Olympic Weightlifting (1936) against international competition. He also won two World Championships (1937-38), and 12 National Titles, the most of any American lifter, with nine of those consecutive from 1937-1945. During his career he set seven world records.

John Terpak – 1937 World Weightlifting Champion Middleweight class, 3rd in the 1938 World Championships Middleweight class; 2nd in the 1946 World Championships Middleweight class; 1947 World Champion Light-Heavyweight class. He won eight US National Championships in Middleweight – 1937-42, and 1944-45.

John Terry – 1936 Olympic Weightlifting Team member, Senior National Weightlifting Champion 1938–1941.

And the list goes on and on for over four decades!

“York Barbell and Dumbbell Methods Have Been Used
By More Lifters Than Any Others!”

Miller, Joe 9-2Whether you are a beginner or advanced trainee, The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training has something to offer. Basic training concepts that have proven to increase strength time and time again!

Everyone, without exception, can benefit from these training routines no matter where they are in their training life!

Here are some things you can expect to find in these 6 classic weight training courses:

1. The famous York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses Nos. 1 thru 6.

2. Six complete barbell courses.

3. Five complete dumbbell courses.

4. Instructions for complete beginners.

5. The-Five-Day-A-Week Program.

6. The York Heavy and Light System.

7. The Series System.

8. The 5-4-3-2-1 System.

9. The Five International Lifts.

10. The Three Olympic Lifts.

11. Odd lifts such as the Bent Press.

12. An 8½” x 11″, softcover, 72 page training manual.

13. The 6 original full size 12″ x 18″, fold out, wall chart posters printed on special 100 lb., heavyweight, glossy, paper!

All 6 beautiful posters are fully illustrated with over 100 different rare photographs of members of The York Bar Bell Club demonstrating over 100 different exercises using globe, standard, and Olympic plate loading barbells and dumbbells!

Awesome for display!

A constant source of inspiration and motivation!

Ready to be framed and proudly displayed in your gym, den, garage, etc!

14. Excellent training information for those that are just beginning to lift weights.

15. There are great photos of the early York Oil Burner Athletic Club of 1932, National A.A.U. Weight Lifting Champions of 1933, the 1936 US Olympic Weight Lifting Team, John Grimek, Bob Hoffman, Bill Good, Tommy Kono, John Davis, Steve Stanko, Anthony Terlazzo, etc.

16. …and much, much more!!!

Here’s What People Have Said About

“I have always known Bill Hinbern to produce quality products, however, when I received my copies of Scientific Weight Lifting by Thomas Inch and The York Barbell and Dumbell Training System and posters – I was blown away! These products are better than the originals! All the best my friend. God Bless,”
Dennis Rogers
Grandmaster Strongman
Oldetime Strongman University
The Woodlands, Texas

“It was a pleasant surprise to receive a Priority Mail envelope from you. I thank you so much for the York courses. I was familiar with the original 4 York courses so it took me by surprise to see York Courses numbers 5 and 6. Also, the photo of me in your course book made me suspect that you added Course 5 & 6. Looking at the charts brought back memories of when I first started using barbells and dumbbells back in 1944. Who would have expected that I would end up like I did when I started with the weights? Thanks again! With warmest aloha,”
Tommy Kono
1952 and 1956 Olympic Weightlifting Champion; 1955, 1957 and 1961 Mr. Universe; 1954 Mr. World.
Aiea, Hawaii

“Bill, I just ordered The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training and I am on my second reading. Thanks for clarifying the “Science and Art” aspect of this great course. Kind regards,”
William B.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

“Before there was Arthur Jones, there was Hoffman’s York Courses.”
Ricky L.
Metairie, Louisiana

“Hello Bill, I have been doing the York Barbell and Dumbbell System Course Number 3… it is amazing! I find it unbelievably energizing. I am sweating like I never have before, and it is like you all of a sudden realize, man I am breathing pretty hard and the sweat is rolling down my back. I also noticed that my shoulders feel a lot better. The exercises are more functional in nature. Being a Doctor of Chiropractic I see so many people losing function, it is nice to see something that has the ability to restore function. Which means that while performing these exercises you may find area’s of weakness that when strengthened will improve how your body functions. Your’s In Health, Dr. Michel”
Dr. Michel Dupuis D.C.
Good Day Chiropractic
Ontario, Canada

The York Barbell and Dumbbell System with the 6 wall charts absolutely stunned me with its content and quality! I was expecting something along the lines of the little booklet and silhouette drawings from the 70’s. But this, this is FANTASTIC! As a fan of the good ole days of weightlifting and bodybuilding, especially the halcyon days of York, this is gold. I can’t stress that enough. You really outdid yourself getting this package together. The quality of the posters is such that I may put them in individual frames and hang them on the wall. They are just that good, thank you for that!”
Murray N., Manitoba, Canada

“I have purchased various books from you and am a very satisfied customer. YourYork Barbell and Dumbell Courses are fantastic. Keep up the good work.”
Mark S., Naperville, Illinois

“Thanks for the prompt service. When I started opening the package, I felt the same excitement as in 1954 when the box arrived with the York Barbell weights and manual I still have in my basement gym.”
John L., LaGrange, Illinois

“Thank you for making the York Courses available once again! I had these courses when I first started lifting weights and got a lot of great information out of them!”
John Pasio, Davenport, Iowa

“Wow! What a surprise! I thought I would never see the York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses again. I had these as a kid and wore them out.”
Steve Westrich, Mobile, Alabama

“I have been working out for nearly 40 years and have found the training information found in the York Courses to be among the very best. Hats of to you, Bill, for making this information available once again.”
Bryant Allen, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“I was shocked to find out that there were York Courses 5 and 6! All these years I thought that there were only 4!!! I had to order them right away just for those extra courses. Thanks for finding them.”
Owen Richmond, Seattle, Washington

“I just received the York Courses that I ordered from you, and I must say that you did a fine job on them! The wall charts are just like the originals that I had when I got my first set of weights. Thanks, again!”
Mark Davidson, Clarkston, Missouri

“Hi Bill, you did a great job on editing The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training. The descriptions of the exercises are much easier to follow and understand. I will be ordering a few more sets as Christmas presents soon.”
Dwight Garner, Spring Harbor, North Carolina

“My order for the York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses just came in the mail today. I must say, you did a great job as usual, especially on the wall charts. The original charts that I have are torn and falling apart. Your charts are on heavier paper and look exactly like the originals. Thanks very much!”
Louis Falco, Kansas City, Missouri

“Hi Bill, Thanks for rewriting the York Barbell Courses, you did a great job. Great photos in the book and beautiful wall charts. Courses 5 and 6 are a welcomed addition. Take care!”
Larry Wright, South Bend, Indiana

“Hi Bill, I received my order on Saturday, thanks for the exceptional service! I’m already enjoying reading through the York Courses! Thanks!”
David H, Jordan, New York

“Hello Sir, I recently purchased the York Barbell and Dumbbell courses 1-6 and am enjoying them a great deal. “
Tom H., Wakefield, Massachusetts

“Bill, Just a quick note to say I received the The York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses 1-6. They arrived a few days after we spoke and were in perfect condition. Thanks for your prompt service and excellent material. You did a superb job on reissuing the full six York courses. Sincerely,”
Vince V., La Crescenta, California

“Who Is This Course for and Why Get It Now?”

This a rare opportunity for those that had the York Barbell and Dumbbell Courses Nos. 1 thru 4 when they began training. Many of you lost or misplaced your courses and fold out wall chart posters. The booklets began to tear through use, the fold out wall chart posters developed tears in the creases, holes or tears in the corners, etc. This is your big chance to replace those courses and acquire, as a bonus, Courses Nos. 5 and 6!

Order your copy of these classic weight training courses while the supply lasts!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

P.S. An 8½” x 11½” softcover book with 69 pages, complete with all 6 fold out wall chart posters! Get your copy today!

The York Barbell and Dumbbell System of Training

by Bob Hoffman

$ 39.95 + S&H

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Click on either publication by Bob Hoffman for more information:

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The York Barbell and Dumbbell
System of Training

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The York Advanced Methods
of Weight Training

For a Limited Time Only…

The Bob Hoffman “York Barbell” Collection

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