Muscle Control by Walt Baptiste

Muscle Control

by Walt Baptiste

Baptiste 1-2We used to say that muscle was controlled by the principle of “mind over matter.”

Now we know there is no such thing as matter.Each cell of the body of which muscle is composed has intelligence and consciousness.

It has memory and it is bound to follow and obey the directions of any higher intelligence.

The value of muscle control is many-fold. Learning to direct the movement of the muscles results in training the body to obey and function as a whole.

When muscles are under control of the mind, they not only develop more completely, but they are able to put forth far more effort in strength because the effort is based on the strength of the will.

Further, muscle control relaxes the entire body and saves a vast amount of nervous energy caused by nervous tension.

Learning to control the body is an important part of one’s physical training.

This course explains in depth all the popular
muscular controls such as the:

  • Biceps contraction together and alternate.
  • Triceps control.
  • Deltoid control.
  • Latissimus control.
  • Pectoral control with the hands in front, above, and at the sides.
  • Trapezius control in “most muscular pose”, with arms held behind the small of the back, and with one arm behind the back.
  • Forearm control.
  • Neck control.
  • Abdominal control while lying on an incline board or floor, abdominal arch control, abdominal separation, abdominal vacuum, abdominal rope isolation.
  • Thigh control and thigh roll.
  • Calf display and control.
  • Biceps of thigh control.
  • Scapula alternate isolation with hands held down, and hands held up, and hands held out to the sides at shoulder level. Scapula dislocates.
  • Back contraction of the latissimus.
  • Sample combination controls.
  • And much, much more!

What Others Have to Say About
Muscle Control by Walt Baptiste:

“Received my ‘Muscle Control’ by Walt Baptiste book Monday and was very pleased with it. You did a good job. Thank you.”
Bakersfield, CA

“I received the ‘Muscle Control’ by Walt Baptiste book and I’m very pleased with it.”
San Francisco, CA

“Last spring I ordered the ‘Muscle Control Courses’ and I enjoy them very much. Keep up the good work and thank you for having these old classic courses available. I don’t think I could find them anywhere else.”
Bay City, Michigan

A gold-mine of information for the beginner who would like to learn muscle control at a very low cost!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A 5 x 7 softcover book with 21 pages, fully illustrated with 35 photographs and illustrations demonstrating 30 different muscular controls!

While the supply lasts. Order today!

Muscle Control

by Walt Baptiste



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