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from the Iron Game’s Greatest Teachers

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The Brooks Kubik “Legacy of Iron” Series

The “Bigger and Stronger” Collection

The Classic “Bent Press” Collection

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The Alan Calvert “Milo Bar Bell” Collection

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The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” Collection

The Harry Paschall “Bosco” Collection

The Peary Rader “Iron Man” Collection

Rare Weightlifting Books, Courses, Magazines, Videos, etc.

Wherever you train… at a fancy gym, the local YMCA, in your basement, cellar, garage, or backyard, it doesn’t matter.

Whether you are young, or not so young, there is training information here to help you reach your goals.

What you see here is only a partial listing of the many great titles that we have in stock at all times.

Go ahead, take your time, browse around, and be sure to sign up below for our FREE Super Strength Training Online Newsletter to receive Daily Tips, Hints, and Secrets of Super Strength. You’ll be glad you did!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Titles by Author

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Further Titles

How to Bent Press Correctly by Harold Ansorge

The only man to ever officially bent press 300 lbs. with the left arm! After studying the methods used by Arthur Saxon and spending hours of trial and error, he reveals the secrets, tricks, right and wrong styles, what worked best for him, and training programs. Read More!
A Big Chest For You by REG PARK - Mr. Universe

Learn the secret methods that “Hercules” of the screen, and 3 Time Mr. Universe, REG PARK, used to build his massive 52" chest. Includes THREE 8 week training routines with 17 different exercises for the chest! A GREAT companion to “Big Arms” by REG PARK! Read More!
Milo Bar Bell Courses by Alan Calvert

Learn how oldtimers trained with courses shipped with Alan Calvert’s Milo Bar Bells. His books, courses, equipment, and "Strength" magazine were the last word in weightlifting in America from 1902-1935. If you lifted weights, you probably owned a Milo and were following Calvert’s famous Milo Bar Bell Courses! Read More!