“Mr. Universe”

World’s FIRST Bodybuilder to Bench Press 500 lbs!

Park-Hercules - 2In the late 1960’s I saw a magazine advertising “The REG PARK Barbell Company” in Leeds, England. I fired a letter off to the address requesting information. Up to that time, I had read a lot about REG PARK in the various magazines of the 50s and 60s.

A few weeks later I received a catalog for books, courses, and equipment. I was fascinated with how much material was still available by PARK at the time. I ordered all of it and asked if I could get a letter to REG, himself.

A large package arrived including all the publications that PARK had written. Along with the invoice was a note from the manager saying that REG would be contacting me from his office in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sure enough, about a week later I got an autographed photo and a letter from REG thanking me for the order and asking me what I thought of his training material and if there was anything further that he could do to help me.

I was impressed with what appeared to be his genuine interest.

I read all of the material and thought his training information should be available here in America. So I asked Reg if I could be his North American agent. He said that he liked the idea so I ran some ads in Peary Rader’s, “Iron Man Magazine”.

Now if any of you just happen to have back issues of “Iron Man” from 1971 or 1972, you’ll see my small display ad!

Why Weight Training?

As most young boys, REG became interested in sports at an early age. He was very good at track, football and soccer. After an injury occurred, REG was rehabilitated through the use of weights. He became fascinated with weight training and started to train regularly. He once told me that he and a few friends would train outdoors in an unheated building using candles to see! REG would wear as many as FOUR sweat suits to fight off the bitter cold winters in England. Obviously, his hard work and dedication paid off.

“World’s Best Developed Man”

Any time the conversation turns to muscular bulk and power, the world famous name of REG PARK comes to mind. REG brought physical development to a new high by winning the “NABBA Mr. Universe” not once, not twice, but THREE times!

REG was very helpful when it came to training. When Bruce Randall approached REG for advice to help him prepare for the “1958 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe’ contest, he didn’t hesitate, even though they were both competing! REG won the overall contest, of course, but the advice that REG gave Bruce was so good that Randall came in second! The following year Bruce Randall won the “1959 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe” contest.

REG PARK competed in physique contests from 1946 to 1973, a span of 27 years!

He won…

1949 HSL Mr. Britain

1950 Mr. Europe

1950 IFBB Best Developed Man in America

1951 NABBA Amateur Mr. Universe

1958 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe

1965 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe

In addition, REG PARK was the idol and mentor of 7-time “IFBB Mr. Olympia”, Arnold Schwarzenegger! Arnold spent a lot of time with REG over the years and considered him to be one of the best bodybuilders of all time.

Movie Star of the Italian “Sword and Sandal” Muscleman Epics

REG PARK was the only British bodybuilder to star in the Italian “sword and sandal” muscleman movies of the 1950’s and 60’s.

He starred in:

“Hercules in the Haunted World” (1961)

“Hercules and the Captive Women” (1963)

“Maciste in King Solomon’s Mines” (1964)

“Hercules, Prisoner of Evil” (1964)

“Hercules the Avenger” (1965).

Even though his movies were produced 60 years ago, they are still every bit as popular today.

Massively Built and Incredibly Strong

REG PARK was the SECOND man and the FIRST bodybuilder in the world to bench press 500 lbs.! At the “1957 Pro Mr. USA”, REG PARK bench pressed over 500 lbs. in street clothes!

Throughout his Career REG PARK’S best lifts were:

Bench Press with 500 lbs.

Dumbbell Bench Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.

Behind the Neck Press with 300 Lbs.

Standing Dumbbell Press with two 140 Lb. dumbbells.

One Arm Dumbbell Press with 165 lbs. for two reps.

Incline Dumbbell Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.

Lying Triceps Extension with 300 lbs. for three reps.

Strict Barbell Curl with 200 lbs.

Squat with 605 lbs. for two reps.

Front Squat with 405 lbs.

Read what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about

REG PARK “Mr. Universe”

“Other than my parents, there may be no single person who had more to do with me becoming the person I am today other than Reg.

Two magnificent photos of Reg Park hang on the wall in my study, one with a handwritten inscription that I treasure. Reg was way ahead of his time; he remains an inspiration to physical culturists everywhere.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger
7-time IFBB Mr. Olympia
4-time NABBA Mr. Universe
4-time Powerlifting Champion
Motion Picture Star

Read what others have to say about:

REG PARK “Mr. Universe”

“I [will] tell you who was one of the strongest men I worked out with: Reg Park. Oh, he was great. He was one of the few guys who could keep up with me. Reg came on a visit to New York City and he came up to the gym (Abe Goldberg’s Gym). He was a beautifully built man and he weighed about 235 pounds. And he was using the weights that I was using and I would even say he was a stronger squatter than I was.

He was keeping up with virtually everything I did except maybe in certain categories. But generally he was tremendous. Reg is a very fine gentleman also. It was one of the high points of my training (training with Reg). We worked out for a couple of weeks together. He was just great to work out with.

Reg Park was a gentleman (when I met him). He was soft-spoken and he wasn’t in any way stuck-up. He just was a regular fellow – a regular, okay guy. That’s all I can say.”

Marvin Eder,
Bodybuilding and Weightlifting Legend
THIRD man, and SECOND bodybuilder, to bench press 500 lbs.!

“Reg stood out for his incredible thickness and impossible chest. The picture I had of Reg was a side chest pose holding an oar next to a swimming pool. He glowed with the essence of size, strength and filled my thumping little heart with faith. I never hoped to achieve even close to what Reg accomplished… but if I could just add some size… Reg’s massive size assured me I could.

Thank you Reg for all the inspiration I gained from you. I’m flattered that any thing I might say could be considered in paying tribute to you.”

Larry Scott,
2-time IFBB Mr. Olympia

“Reg Park is a Physique legend. His massive, muscular Herculean physique with good looks was the first of his era. Also a first is when he starred in many Hercules movies. Also a first was the superhuman strength and unique workouts that he established.”

Dennis Tinerino,
Mr. America, Mr. Universe, Mr. World, Mr. USA

”Reg Park’s body speaks for itself, but most people are unaware of his humane qualities and of his leadership abilities. Both of these assets have made him the husband and father he has been all these years to his wife Marion and to his son Jon Jon. These qualities worked to my own advantage while I was a guest in South Africa when he acted as host. Yes, Boyer Coe and I toured Reg’s country before the ‘revolution’ and before Nelson Mandela’s influence was felt in order to bring racial integration there.

Well, let me tell you that Reg Park, quietly and in his dignified manner, made certain that all of Boyer’s and my public appearances were done before mixed audiences and made certain that I, as an African-American, would not experience the embarrassment or discrimination.

Reg was always the man to scope the next scheduled venue on the tour and it inspired me to nickname him ‘Scout Master!’ He took his new name in the right humorous spirit as it proved to lighten things up for all of our party. I, personally, have to add to his long list of bodybuilding Titles, the Title of Scout Master.”

Chris Dickerson
AAU Mr. America
2-time IFBB Mr. Universe
IFBB Mr. Olympia

”Reg Park is one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time. I spent two weeks with him and his family at their home in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1978; there we did exhibitions and trained together. He is an extremely kind person and goes out of his way to do the right thing. His training advice helped me immensely during my competition years and I always look forward to seeing him and his wife Marion at the Arnold Classic each year.”

Frank Zane
2-time NABBA Mr. Universe
3-time IFBB Mr. Olympia

”What else can really be stated regarding the great Reg Park? His bodybuilding career, which spanned four decades and included three Mr. Universe titles, speaks volumes for itself. His amazing look landed him in the movies where he inspired many young bodybuilders including a future Governor of California. Driven by heavy workouts and often a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs daily, Reg’s rugged, powerful, and proportioned physique was held for years as one of the sport’s ‘ideals.’

Truly a bodybuilding icon!”

Randy Roach
Bodybuilding historian
Author of ”Muscle,Smoke and Mirrors”

”Reg Park was definitely an icon, motivator and overall legend. Guys like me along with millions of others are continually inspired by his hard work ethic and overall physique. He is what bodybuilding was and what bodybuilding is, power and beauty put together into an art form that we all seek and/or admire.”

Phil Heath
7-time IFBB Mr. Olympia

”Who can ever forget Reg Park? I remember how inspired I was the first time I saw photos of Reg Park. He had a great physique and was very strong. I remember the great stories that Marvin Eder told of him training with Reg.

Many years later I had the opportunity to visit with Reg Park in South Africa. I was touring South Africa on a schedule that was put together by promoter Warren Langman. Reg invited me to his home and I had a wonderful time with Reg and his lovely wife.

Reg is a fantastic bodybuilder, but I will always admire him as a true gentleman with much class.”

Boyer Coe
AAU Mr America
5-time WBBG Pro Mr. World
2-time NABBA Mr. Universe

”No doubt, Reg Park is one of the most important figures in bodybuilding and he is among the greatest Mass with Class champions (he had a Beautiful physique). I am personally glad to have known him on a personal level. I spent some time with him and his lovely wife on Bondi beach during the 1980 Mr. Olympia in Australia.

He is a great motivator and he had advised me several times when he visited World Gym in Los Angeles. I became a very close friend with his son Jon Jon who is a great swimming champion and perhaps the best personal trainer in all of Los Angeles. Jon Jon is a carbon copy of his father.

Reg in my opinion is one of the 10 greatest bodybuilders of all time and the equivalent of the great Steve Reeves.

I’m honored to have known him and I wish him the best of health.”

Samir Bannout
IFBB Mr. Olympia

Champion bodybuilder, strongman, movie star, gym owner, writer, and publisher of “The REG PARK Journal.”

REG PARK has done everything in the strength world!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Fortunately, the training methods used by REG PARK to attain his tremendous size and Herculean strength are still available!

Click on these publications by REG PARK for more information:

Park-MrU2 - 2

Barbell and Dumbbell Course

Park-Bulk - 2

11 Specialization Courses

Park-Arms - 2

Big Arms

Park-Chest - 2

A Big Chest for You

Park-Bulk - 7
Strength and Bulk Training
for Weight Lifters
and Body Builders

Park-Multi-Set - 3-2

The Secret of
the Multi-Set System

Park-ScienceOfDumbbell - 3-2

The Science of
Dumbbell Training

Park-TrainingForPower - 3-2
Training for Power


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