The Jowett Institute Course

in Health, Muscle Building and Physical Perfection

by George F. Jowett

“The Most Famous Physical Culture Course of All Time”


Jowett 2-2This is his original, 1927 edition, 6 month, 12 lesson, mailorder physical culture course using body weight and adjustable plate loading dumbbells.

The same course that sent shock waves through the golden era of bodybuilding and weightlifting in the 30’s and 40’s when George F. Jowett was a household name synonymous with heavy lifting and bodybuilding!

The entire course is written in easy to follow, step-by-step, instruction that leaves absolutely nothing left to chance.

This is the type of course that you will look forward to using at each and every training session.

A great course for beginners, intermediate, or advanced trainees.

Remember, this course can be used with bodyweight and/or adjustable plate loading dumbbells.

This makes it versatile and convenient to use anywhere, anytime and any place!

A Few of the Things You Can Expect to Learn From One of Physical Culture’s Greatest Teachers:

Learn how George F. Jowett, through a burning desire and ferocious determination, went from a sickly youth to a robust champion wrestler and strongman.

Build a solid foundation through strengthening the internal organs with Jowett’s expert preliminary exercise training programs.

Understand and apply Jowett’s principles of healthy nutrition and physical culture.

Learn the do’s and don’ts for each and every exercise.

Includes special strength tests for checking your health and muscle building progress.

Discover the importance of nervous energy and how it relates to strength.

Read about The Abdominal Brain and its’ connection with developing body power.

Get in on the trick to gaining muscular body weight while reducing body fat.

Tips on combining bodyweight and progressive dumbbell training for superior results.

Apply the secret of stretching and contraction to maximize your strength.

How to take full advantage of the 4 recognized areas of breathing to fully oxygenate your body while exercising.

Improve your circulation for a super charged blood flow throughout your body.

Learn the connection between muscular massage and flexibility.

Important tips on how to get better sleep and increased recuperation.

You will get a high quality set of anatomy charts along with a question and answer section.

Learn the difference between “weightlifting” and “exercising.”

You’ll get an ”Advanced Lesson” on muscle building covering a period of three months.

Included is a “Bonus Super Course” designed to be a source of inspiration for you to continue your training and make physical culture a habit for the rest of your life.

And much, much more!

A huge course fully illustrated with rare photos of the author demonstrating the exercises. A Classic!

Results Experienced from
“The Jowett Institute Course” by George F. Jowett

“Hi Bill, Received my ‘George F. Jowett Collection’ this morning, fantastic! Thank you. Thank you for your last letter Bill, I enjoyed it very much. Until next time. Kind regards.”
Mal M.
Wolverhampton, Great Britain

“Bill, I have been faithfully doing ‘The Jowett Institute Course’ and while I am only in the third week – lesson, I am experiencing profound results. It seems that my body reacts so readily and positively. I am very grateful for your feedback as I continue. I expect fantastic results as I approach the use of dumbbells. Also, because I continue to do Inner strength – Kung Fu stuff: I appreciate that Jowett’s system employs techniques that keep me strong though flexible. I enjoy keeping you posted——-Sincerely”
Joe B.
Mountain View, California

“Bill, I took the ‘Jowett Institute Course’ in 1947 and bought my first dumbells…in 1948. I recently bought ‘The Key To Might and Muscle’ from you. It’s a great book with so much training info. Still love training at 76!”
Bob W.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

“Thanks for such a wealth of information on Physical Fitness and Strength from all those Champs of the past. I’m still reading George F. Jowett’s ‘The Key To Might and Muscle’ and his ‘Jowett Institute Course.’ Wow! They are very inspiring to say the least. Although I am not as fit as I used to be since being wounded in the Vietnam War…I’m making an effort to better myself.”
Eusebio T.
Tarpon Springs, Florida

“As a big fan of George F. Jowett, I was happy to see the ‘Jowett Institute Muscle Building Course’ finally arrive in the mail. It was worth the wait. All the exercise courses I’ve seen have value but to me this course is the best. The photos and instruction is excellent and dumbbell training is convenient for most people.”
Ed B.
Ashland, Ohio

“Hi Bill, I prefer dumbbell work for the most part. I have been using a system of mostly dumbbell work for about 40 or so years now. I started in 1951 using standard barbell and dumbbell work got into olympic and powerlifting as well as bodybuilding, because there just wasn’t enough wrestling activity around my area…Wrestling was my first interest, and why I started training. In my 20’s I started to get joint pains from heavy lifting and decided to switch to dumbbell work and it has served me well. I still do some incline presses with the barbell and some deadlifts, but mostly dumbbell work. I really like ‘The Jowett Institute Course’ that you publish. Best wishes in health and strength.”
Carl L.
Poughkeepsie, New York

Remember…“Once a Jowett pupil, always a Jowett pupil!”.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

An 8½” x 11″ softcover book with 136 pages, 12 chapter lessons, including over 95 photographs and illustrations!

The Jowett Institute Course

by George F. Jowett

$ 49.95 + S&H

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Click on any of the following books by George F. Jowett for more information!


Jowett 2-2
The Jowett Institute Course
by George F. Jowett
Jowett 1-2
The Key to Might and Muscle
by George F. Jowett
Jowett 3-2
Molding a Mighty Grip
by George F. Jowett


For a Limited Time Only…

The George F. Jowett Collection

all 3 titles by George F. Jowett

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