Rare Weightlifting Books, Courses, Magazines, etc.

For Sale

Rare Weightlifting Books, Courses, Magazines, Videos, etc.

In response to many inquiries, we have started to offer some of our rare, miscellaneous, publications.

Some First Editions, some personally autographed, etc.

Naturally, the condition of items vary from mint to poor, but complete and readable.

For condition, availability, shipping and handling costs, etc., PLEASE inquire by clicking on our CONTACT page to email or phone us.

Discount prices are available on bulk (multiple item) purchases.

Please refer back to this page often, as we will be adding more items when time permits…

All items are sold on a “first come, first served” basis.

Since we may have only one or two of a particular title, and to avoid several clients from ordering the same title, to avoid disappointment, we DO NOT have them available through our shoppingcart!

Therefore, to order, or if you have ANY questions at all, PLEASE click on our CONTACT page to email or phone us.

So if you are at all interested, I strongly suggest you act now!

Simply click on any of the following links and a drop-down listing will appear:

Miscellaneous Books

Miscellaneous Courses

HardGainer Magazine (Stuart McRobert)

Health and Strength Magazine (Johnson and Sharp)

Iron Man Magazine (Peary Rader)

Milo Magazine (Randall Strossen)

Muscle Power Magazine (Joe Weider)

Powerlifting USA Magazine (Mike Lambert)

Sante et Force Magazine (Ben Weider and E. M. Orlick) (French language)

Strength and Health Magazine (Bob Hoffman)

The Arm Bender Magazine (Bob O’Leary)

The Bodybuilder Magazine (D.G. Johnson)

The British Amateur Weight-Lifter and Body-Builder Magazine (Johnson & Kirkley)

The Weightlifter and Bodybuilder Magazine (Johnson & Kirkley)

Vigour Magazine (Barrs and Atkin)

World of Arm Sports Magazine (Gary E. Perigo)

Your Physique Magazine (Joe Weider)

More to come…

Reg Park

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