Learn from the Trainer of John C. Grimek…

Mark H. Berry

author and Olympic Coach,

Grimek 1 - 1 - 2Most of the training routines used by old time strong men up until the late 1920’s used compound movements. Previous to that time the squat, or deep knee bend as it was called back then, was considered just another accessory exercise and was used very little. It wasn’t until a strength pioneer by the name of Mark Berry came along and placed an emphasis on the squat as a real body builder.

After becoming a National Champion weight lifter himself in 1925, Berry advocated drinking milk and heavy squats for building tremendous bulk and power.

Through his insistent writings, Berry proved that the squat was the master exercise thus changing the science of bodybuilding and weightlifting and creating the stream of world champion lifters that became famous in the United States in the 1930’s and 40’s.

He saw the tremendous potential of a young man he met in the late 1920’s and began to train him almost exclusively on his own special training methods.

His name…John C. Grimek.

Later, in 1936, Grimek became a National Weight Lifting Champion and was a member of the famous Olympic Weight Lifting Team that competed in Berlin in 1936. However, Grimek’s real fame was that of bodybuilding. He became the ONLY two time “AAU Mr. America” in 1940 and 1941. In addition, he won “Most Muscular Man In America” 1946, the “Health & Strength Mr. Universe” in 1948 and the “Professional Mr. USA” in 1949. After that, he retired UNDEFEATED in any bodybuilding contest he ever entered!

In the 1920’s and 30’s, Mark Berry edited a variety of magazines published by the old “Milo Bar Bell Co.” including “Strength”“The Strongman” and “Physical Training Notes”.

After his success with training John C. Grimek, he became the head instructor at “Milo Bar Bell Co.” His responsibilities there included setting up the training schedules for everyone who purchased Milo Bar Bells, courses and instruction. From there he was selected to be THE FIRST HEAD COACH for the “United States Olympic Weight Lifting Team” in 1932 and, again, in 1936.

In 1936 he started his own business called “The Berry Bar Bell Co.” After that, from the late 1930’s to the 1950’s, he worked for “Bur Barbell Co.”  as head physical training instructor.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

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Physical Training

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The Mark Berry
Bar Bell Courses

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