The Muscle Control Collection

Learn the Lost Art of…

Muscle Control

Maxick 2-2

Muscle Control gives one a sense of self-confidence when performing feats of strength.

All world records in any lifting are created by means of perfect muscular control.

Learn complete relaxation and concentration to enable you to control every muscle of your body.

Thicken the shoulders, broaden the back, increase your chest size.

Learn perfect coordination of muscle and mind through concentration.

Therefore, to the man wishing to be exceptionally strong, muscle control is absolutely essential.

Just What is Muscle Control?

Flexing the upper arm and making the biceps jump is called biceps control.

As with the biceps, so all the other muscles can be made to jump or be controlled at will.

Movements like these are called Muscle Control.

The practice is a healthy one.

It refreshes and strengthens the muscles.

By steady, serious practice, Muscle Control can be mastered and, when it is, you will experience new vigorous health, vitality and youthfulness through NATURE’S WAY.

Stiffness of the muscles and clumsiness can easily be cured by correct muscle control.

Stomach disorders and constipation can be relieved.

Rupture can be avoided.

How Muscle Control Can Help You

There are many men who are already in possession of health but who are not satisfied with their strength and development.

If you have been trying for years to develop your body like some muscular strong man or world champion athlete, yet have failed (in spite of good health), has it ever occurred to you that something might be wrong with the system you are using?

Have you ever thought that, in the midst of your endless experiments with bodyweight exercises, barbells, dumbbells, cable exercisers, machines and other mechanical exercisers, there is some valuable piece of information that is missing?

If so, let me assure you that you are not alone!

Anyone who is trying to develop functional strength needs to add Muscle Control to their physical training regime.

Combine conventional exercise with Muscle Control and you will achieve a high degree of physical development, a symmetrical body, muscles that are long, agile, that ripple with every movement, muscle that will have the lightness of a tiger, speed of a panther, the strength of a Sampson!

Muscle Control Should Be an Important Part of Your Training

It is obvious, then, that muscle control should be an important part of everyone’s training.

All the big names in bodybuilding throughout history considered muscle control an important part of their training and posing routines.

Otto Arco, Walt Baptiste, Ottley Coulter, Marvin Eder, John Farbotnick, Rudy Gambacorta, John Grimek, Ed Jubinville, Siegmund Klein, Bill Lilly, Anton MatysekMaxick, Alan P. Mead, William Oliphant, Monte Saldo, Eugen Sandow, to name a few, have all practiced muscle control in their training and demonstrated muscle control in their posing exhibitions.

It’s easy, fascinating, and once learned never forgotten.

Read What This Man Has to Say About
the Wonders of Muscle Control Training:

“Bill, I’ve been practicing ‘Muscle Control’ by Maxick for a few months now and I’ve read a lot about him.

My opinion is he did not use weights on a regular basis but only to train for lifting contests.

And he was not a technical lifter but used raw strength to elevate the weights.

He engaged in lifting contests only to prove his methods and lifted because of the specificity of training principle.

I think he got most of his strength through ‘Muscle Control’ and various gymnastic and acrobatic exercises.

I arrived at my opinion from a number of quotes from texts.

I bought and have used your series on ‘Muscle Control’.

In spite of a fairly serious health problem I find my self showing some real and fundamental gains in internal strength lately, subtle but real.

They have sort of crept up on me and I can only put it down to ‘Muscle Control’.

More time will tell.

It’s interesting that your new edition has sold so well.

‘Muscle Control’ is a real process of exploration.

I don’t understand it, but my practice continues to evolve.”

North Highlands, California

The benefits derived by stretching and limbering the muscles for sports are worth many times the cost of the courses.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Muscle Control is easy and you CAN do it!

Learn muscle control today!

Click on any of the following books to learn more about Muscle Control!

Maxick 1-2
Muscle Control
by Maxick
Matysek 1-2
Muscle Control
by Anton Matysek


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