The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power

by Anthony Ditillo

Famous Writer for Peary Rader’s “Iron Man Magazine”

Ditillo 1C - 2After writing training articles for Peary Rader’s famous “Iron Man Magazine”, the author decided to try his hand at writing a book.

So, in 1971 the author wrote the first of two books on the popular subject of building muscular bulk and great power.

This book details all you need to know on the subject and how to achieve super results in the shortest period of time.

Do not overlook this book and its important result-producing information.

Written by a veteran powerlifter who lifted maximum poundages throughout his training career!

Read the following break down of valuable training information that you can expect to learn from this classic book on powerlifting.




Chapter Three: NUTRITION






“Why Do You Seek Greater Bulk and Power?”

Training Dedication: A Study in Introversion

The Forming of Realistic Goals: Body Types, Etc.

Enjoying One’s Physical Limitations

Bodily Strength: An Athletic Necessity

Heavy vs Light Training

Forming the Proper Training ‘Groove’

Overtraining: A Road to Nowhere

The Need for Supplements

Intelligent Application of Dietary Principles

Adequate Supplementation at a Reasonable Cost

Anabolic Steroid Drugs: Their Use and Abuse

The Need for a Sound Basic Diet

Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats: Their Misconceptions and Misuse

A Basic Weight-Gaining Diet

Various Diet Plans and Menus for Gaining Muscular Bodyweight

Developing Basic Body Power

The Myriad of Sets and Repetitions

The Conservation of Training Energy

Basic and Necessary Training Equipment

Bulk and Power in the Legs and Back

Developing a Massive Chest

Thickening and Broadening Your Shoulders

Those Bulky, Powerful Arms

Rack Work

One-Lift Specialization

The Three Basic Power Lifts

Complete Bulk and Power Training Routines

Here’s What People Have Said About:
“The Development of Bulk and Power”
by Anthony Ditillo

“‘The Development of Muscular Bulk & Power’ by Anthony Ditillo is one of the finest books I have read thus far. It feels pretty good to have a fellow powerlifter talk about how strange people think you are for wanting to be incredibly strong and healthy. Or how much dedication it takes to reach those goals. It’s a very refreshing book and as always I am very happy with SuperStrengthTraining.”
Dane H.
Lebanon, Ohio

“I read one of the Ditillo books over 20 years ago and it had a profound affect on my training. I had given up hope of ever owning a copy. Thanks to you, I will now have both.”
Tyrone J.
Glen Forest, Australia

“I purchased Anthony Ditillo’s, ‘The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power,’ from Bill Hinbern and was truly blown away. You could be mistaken that the book was written in the 70’s. Only read a few pages, but it’s very clear from the onset that Mr. Ditillo knew what he was talking about and articulates things in a way that resonates with you on a certain level, you could easily be mistaken for not knowing the book is over 40 years old and easily fits in with modern day common sense training. It’s a very much welcomed title in a world where different ways of doing this and that have saturated the market. That Anthony Ditillo book is a real gem, Bill Hinbern.”
Nicholas I.
Nottinghamshire, Great Britain

There you have it, every aspect of training covered in detail, from goals to practical application.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Available again for a limited time only. Get your copy while the supply lasts.

A beautiful 6″ x 9″, softcover book, with 7 chapters and over 139 pages!

The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power

by Anthony Ditillo

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Click on either book by Anthony Ditillo for more information:

Ditillo 1C - 2

The Development of
Bulk and Power
by Anthony Ditillo

The Development of
Physical Strength
by Anthony Ditillo

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