The Development of Physical Strength by Anthony Ditillo

The Development of Physical Strength

by Anthony Ditillo

Famous Writer for Peary Rader’s “Iron Man Magazine”

In 1982 the author wrote a second follow up to his hugely successful first book.

This book is very popular with those who want honest, result producing information and is filled with the kind of material that you need to solve your training problems and help you make the most progress that is possible for your physical type.

Great Strength with equally great Muscular Development can be YOURS by following the information found in this book.

The companion volume and great addition to the author’s first book, get both books while limited supplies last!

All types of training schedules are discussed and compared for their results.


Chapter One:
The Single and Double Progression Method
Power Rack Training
Isometric and Isometronic Training
Various Sets and Repetition Schedules
The Single Repetition Principle

Chapter Two:
The Intensity Factor
The Importance of Training Volume
The Coupling of Intensity and Volume Loads
The Cheating Principle in Strength Training
The Adaptation Principle in Strength Training

Chapter Three:
Training For Powerlifting Proficiency
Bench Press Specialization
Squat Specialization For Increased Strength
Deadlift and Back Specialization Programs

Chapter Four:
The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power
Power Rack Training For Bodyweight Gains
Various Weight Gaining Routines
Dietary Consideration For Gaining Weight

Chapter Five:
Olympic Assistance Movements For Size and Strength
Heavy Dumbbell Training For Size and Strength
Various Strength Specialization Routines
One Lift Specialization Programs


The Single and Double Progression Method

Power Rack Training

Isometric and Isometronic Training

Various Sets and Repetitions Schedules

The Single Repetition Principle

The Intensity Factor

The Importance of Training Volume

The Coupling of Intensity and Volume Loads

The Cheating Principle in Strength Training

The Adaption Principle in Strength Training

Training for Powerlifting Proficiency

Bench Press Specialization

Squat Specialization for Increased Strength

Deadlift and Back Specialization Programs

The Development of Muscular Bulk and Power

Power Rack Training for Bodyweight Gains

Various Weight Gaining Routines

Dietary Consideration for Gaining Weight

Olympic Assistance Movements for Size and Strength

Heavy Dumbbell Training for Size and Strength

Various Strength Specialization Routines

One Lift Specialization Programs

Here’s What People Have Said About:
“The Development of Physical Strength”
by Anthony Ditillo

“My books by Anthony Ditillo arrived safely in the UK a couple of days ago. Thank you for your excellent service, I’m really enjoying my new books.”
Stuart B.
Hants, United Kingdom

“Both books by Ditillo are great, Bill, I have two copies of each, signed by Charles Poliquin! Thanks for the updates, I enjoy reading about the feats of strength and dedication to health.”
Damien M.
Dublin, Ireland

“One of my favorite books. It has more info and programs from the trenches than 5 of most books. It’s incredible to me how just about everything Ditillo wrote is still dead on, if not cutting edge. Most great authors seem to have at least a little bit of trendy ideas, due to what was common during their era….not Ditillo. He must have had a rare, uncanny gift for deciphering what was legit and would work long term. Even his food and supplement advice is nearly perfect. The man was really in touch with the effect everything he did had on his body, and was somehow able to block out any bias based on whether a 1000 other ‘experts’ disagreed or not.”
Lyle S.
LaCrosse, Wisconsin

“This is probably the BEST book on how to build strength (next to Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubik). Bought it from Bill many years ago and Ditillo really knows his stuff.”
Michael D.
Syracuse, New York

Order your copy today!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A beautiful 6″ x 9″, softcover book, with 5 chapters and over 137 pages!

The Development of Physical Strength

by Anthony Ditillo

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Click on either book by Anthony Ditillo for more information:

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The Development of
Bulk and Power
by Anthony Ditillo

The Development of
Physical Strength
by Anthony Ditillo

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