Michael H. Brown

Michael H. Brown

Your Modern Day Renaissance Man!

Author of “The Strength of Samson: How to Attain It”

Brown 5-2In 1974, an ad caught my eye in Peary Rader’s old “Iron Man” magazine .

The Madison Co. advertised an interesting catalog of unusual books, courses and equipment on a variety of topics.

Books on anything from suppressed inventions and 50 mpg carburetors to knife fighting and our legal system.

Amazing stuff that I had never seen nor heard about before!

I had to have that catalog!

I soon discovered that Mike Brown wasn’t your average run-of-the-mill author.

He was a bodybuilder, health advocate, electrical, mechanical and automotive engineer, inventor, Biblical researcher, lawyer and author who had written books on a variety of subjects.

Essentially, a-jack-of-all-trades!

He didn’t have any Ph.D.s, which is probably why he was able to get so many useful things done.

Mike has studied the Bible for thirty-two years using various translations and works by Martin Luther, John Milton, and others.

Long ago he came to the conclusion that God’s Laws found in Deuteronomy and Leviticus were based on scientific reasons and not just to spoil man’s fun while here on earth.

In addition, Mike has written quite a few articles and books in the last thirty some years.

Read What Others Have to Say About
Michael Brown’s Publications

“Hi Bill…really enjoyed ‘Diagnostic Training’…I highly recommend it.”
Joe B.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

‘The Strength of Samson’ by Mike Brown really opened my eyes about what to eat! As a result of reading Mr. Brown’s book, I have made some major changes in my diet! I also acquired other useful information as well.”
Ronald C.
San Bruno, California

“I found ‘The Strength of Samson’ by Brown to be very interesting with a lot of good information — a very good recommendation.”
Lou T.
Howell, New Jersey

“I recently purchased ‘Diagnostic Bodybuilding’ by Michael Brown and have just finished reading it. Mr. Brown offers some interesting insights into the sport which I will apply to my future training. Many thanks on offering the book for sale.”
Brent L.
Spring, Texas

The following are a few of my favorite books.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Click on any of the following books by Michael H. Brown to learn more!


Brown 2-2
Diagnostic Bodybuilding
by Michael H. Brown
Brown 1-2
Iron Claws
by Michael H. Brown
Brown 4-2
Sex, Money and Power
by Michael H. Brown
Brown 3-2
The Strength of Samson
by Michael H. Brown


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all 4 titles by Michael H. Brown

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