The Strength of Samson

How to Attain It

“Strength Secrets of the Biblical Samson”

by Michael H. Brown

Brown 3-2Brown’s approach is a most unusual one. He himself is a longtime bodybuilder and practical nutritionist who has taken and interpreted a number of key health-related Biblical passages to develop an overall regimen that is sure to do the conscientious reader some powerful good.

You will learn about diet, exercise, proper living, attitudes and the development of sheer physical strength in a way that is not only radical, but heretical.

Maybe you’re not into slaying a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, but old Samson didn’t accomplish that or the singlehanded destruction of one of their palaces by chomping on Wonder Bread, slurping homogenized milk or jogging through the streets of ancient Gaza in $90 Reeboks!

He had a diet, a regimen, which had scientific reasons behind them–a method which, when viewed in the light of what we know today–will enable the average man to accomplish levels of strength that may even surpass those of the Biblical Strongman.

Table of Contents

Foreword (17 Basic Principles)

Chapter 1 – What were Samson’s Actual Strength Levels?

Chapter 2 – Eat Not Any Unclean Thing – Judges 13:4

Chapter 3 – The Nazarite Diet

Chapter 4 – Overdosing

Chapter 5 – Losing Weight

Chapter 6 – Fasting

Chapter 7 – Water

Chapter 8 – Herbs

Chapter 9 – Samson’s Dianabol

Chapter 10 – The Routes to Muscular Growth

Chapter 11 – Alcohol

Chapter 12 – Giving Your Strength to Women

Chapter 13 – An Easy Way to Bulk Up

Chapter 14 – The Sauna Bath

Chapter 15 – Zone Therapy I

Chapter 16 – Zone Therapy II

Chapter 17 – The Breathing Squat (For Beginners)

Chapter 18 – Training for Incredible Health

Chapter 19 – Cables

Chapter 20 – More on Cables

Chapter 21 – The Feet and the Muscles

Chapter 22 – Forced Reps

Chapter 23 – Gaining Weight

Chapter 24 – Partial Movements and Power Rack Training

Chapter 25 – Grip, Wrist, and Forearm Development

Chapter 26 – The Two Primary Causes of Failure

Chapter 27 – Things Your Trainers Never Told You

Chapter 28 –Bust Development for Women

Chapter 29 – Proper Bench Press Technique

Chapter 30 – Beyond the Ultimate Steroid

Chapter 31 – The Sky’s the Limit

A Few of the Things You Can Expect to Learn From One of Physical Culture’s Mightiest Teachers:

After 36 years of training and over 33 years of Bible study the author has come up with these 17 Basic Principles for health and strength.

Discover Samson’s actual strength level…you may be surprised.

Find Biblical references to Samson’s nutritional regimen. “Eat Not Any Unclean Thing” Judges 13:4 (The Levitical Diet)

A complete guide to the Nazarite diet.

The truth about vitamin dosage and the risk of overdosing.

Whole chapters on losing weight, fasting, water and herbs.

Samson’s dianabol is found on your grocer’s shelf.

An explanation of what to eat and how to eat it for the fastest route to muscular growth.

An explanation of the dangers of alcohol consumption in biblical times.

Giving Your Strength to Women – learn how having sex effects muscular development.

An easy way to bulk up using the author’s training routine and nutritional recommendations.

The benefits of the sauna bath and how it can improve your endurance during training.

Learn about miracles of Zone Therapy.

The proper way to perform the Breathing Squat and the effects it has on chest development.

Training the chest and increasing your lung capacity for incredible health.

The incredible results that can be obtained from cable (chest expander) training.

The role that the feet play in developing the muscles of the body.

Forced Reps, the single most important method for success.

Four irrefutable facts and five misconceptions about gaining weight.

Tips, tricks and techniques with partial movements and power rack training.

Time tested methods for grip, wrist, and forearm development.

Understanding the two primary causes of failure to gain muscular body weight.

Discover things your trainers never told you.

Secret methods of bust development for women.

A chapter on proper bench press technique.

Process of elimination, beyond the ultimate steroid.

The sky’s the limit if you faithfully adhere to these training principles.

….and much, much more!

Here’s What Others Say About…

“The Strength of Samson: How to Attain It”
by Michael H. Brown

“Comment on order: ‘After 70 yrs of training, including competing in the Olympic lifts for a span of 33 yrs, I now read for pleasure and curiosity. Hence this book.”
Gene P.
Bloomington, Illinois

”Hi Bill, Thank you for filling my order so fast! The Samson book is very interesting. I had no idea that there was so much useful information back in Biblical times. Great book!”
Michael W.
Jonesboro, Georgia

“Received my order, today. Although I ordered 11 books, the Samson book caught my interest so I read it first. From a historical point of view, the Bible contains a lot of information. The Samson book is a great reference for pointing out where this information is at.”
Robert H.
Hubbard, Ohio

“Thanks for ‘The Strength of Samson’ by Brown. It is an easy read and in some places very entertaining. Old Samson was quite a character!”
Al C.
Lawrence, Massachusetts

“Just got my order. ‘The Strength of Samson’ starts right off with giving useful training information which motivated me to continue reading. The dietary information is well worth the price of the book.”
Richard D.
Henderson, Texas

“Hi Bill, Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. You reminded me that I had ordered the Samson a few months ago. I read it over and really like the information that Brown provides. Amazing what was known and used thousands of years ago.”
George M.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Thought I would comment on the Samson book. Glad I ordered it. I had no idea that the Bible contained so much information on diet and health. It really opened my eyes. Thank you!”
Vic K.
Birmingham, Alabama

“Hi Bill, I remember ordering ‘The Strength of Samson’ by Brown many years ago. Somehow it got lost in the shuffle with moving, and all. Glad it’s still available and that I could get another copy. Thank you!”
Terry Z.
Seattle, Washington

The old-timers (before steroids) knew better. So will you when you read, study, and APPLY what is in this book. If you do, you WILL get results.

Interesting reading, a real page-turner!

Best wishes,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Order a copy of this 8½” x 11″, spiral bound, soft cover, book with 107 pages and 31 chapters!

The Strength of Samson

How to Attain It

by Michael H. Brown

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More publications by Michael H. Brown here:

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Brown 2-2
Diagnostic Bodybuilding
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Brown 1-2
Iron Claws
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Brown 4-2
Sex, Money and Power
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Brown 3-2
The Strength of Samson
by Michael H. Brown


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