Muscular Arms and Shoulders
by Harry B. Paschall
Another Bosco How-To-Do-It book originally published in 1953 and devoted to one subject:
How to get those huge muscular arms and shoulders that you have admired on the Stars.
Practical information that will make your arm training more productive and your shirt sleeves burst at the seams, you’ll like it!
Can YOU Develop 18 Inch ARMS
THE ANSWER is Yes, No or Maybe – depending upon you.
Harry Paschall wrote this book which frankly appraises your chances of getting into the 18 inch arm class.
This Book is a Complete Arm and Shoulder Specialization Course
Table of Contents
Chapter One – Arms…and the Man
Arm Types
The Anatomy of Arm and Shoulder
Chapter Two – A Discussion of Training Methods
Chapter Three – Exercises for the Arms and Shoulders
Chapter Four – How to Do It – A Programme for Action
Three Complete Arm and Shoulder Training Programmes
Illustrated with photographs of some of the most muscular arms the world has ever seen: Jack Dellinger,John Grimek, Roy Hilligenn, Ellwood Holbrook, Sam Loprinzi, Robert Nealey, etc.
This book is full of fine photographs of muscular arms owned by Dellinger,
Grimek, Hilligenn, and others, and it not only discusses the Big Arm business thoroughly, but tells you in simple words and pictures just HOW to go about getting such measurements for yourself.
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
A 5″ x 7″ softcover book with a beautiful glossy two color cover. It has 48 pages, 4 chapters, including 35 photographs and beautiful BOSCO illustrations!
Muscular Arms and Shoulders
by Harry B. Paschall
$ 11.95 + S&H
Check out these other publications by Harry B. Paschall:
(click on any image to read more!)
For a Limited Time Only…The Harry Paschall “Bosco” CollectionOrder all 4 books and courses by Harry PaschallRegularly $ 61.80Save $ 5.00!!!Order NOW for ONLY $ 56.80 + S&H |