Development of Strength
by Harry B. Paschall
Famous Author and Creator of “BOSCO”!
Originally published in 1951, this is the companion volume to the author’s enormously popular “Muscle Moulding”.
It tells HOW to Build a Superman Physique with inside Secrets of the Stars of the Strength World.
It contains Five Complete Training Schedules and a Strength Rating Formula.
By discussing various training methods, exercise apparatus and equipment, you will better understand the why and how that will enable you to build a Better Physique and obtain Great Strength at the same time.
Secrets of how the champions developed powerful strength along with powerful muscles.
Harry and BOSCO Tell How To
Get Great Strength Along With Big LUMPS!
Full of dozens of lively Bosco illustrations and beautiful photographs of the greatest Muscle Men and Lifters such as Eugen Sandow, John Davis, Ron Walker, Pete George, Gregori Novak, Clarence Ross, Apollon, Steve Stanko, John Grimek, Stan Stanczyk, Bob Peoples, etc.
These 10 Big Chapters Take Up…
Where “Muscle Moulding” Left Off:
Chapter I – Our Heritage of Strength
Every civilization throughout history has their stories of strongmen and their feats of strength.
Chapter II – The Evolution of Weight-Lifting
From Samson and Milo right up to our present day breed of strength athletes.
Chapter III – The Why of Muscle Power
Strength and physical power as it relates to such champions as: Apollon, Louis Cyr, Hermann Goerner, John Grimek, Charles Rigoulot, Arthur Saxon, etc.
Chapter IV – Experiments in Strength Building
Learn of the author’s exploits in creating innovative training equipment with the likes of Roger Eells and Joseph Curtis Hise.
Chapter V – What is Strength?
How do we go about measuring strength? What makes the proverbial all around strongest man?
Chapter VI – How Strong Are You?
A number of strength tests to see where you stand in the strongman ratings. Are you moderately strong, strong, super strong, or in the prestigious hero group.
Chapter VII – Strength Facts
Several important factors in training for strength are now carved in stone. Learn what they are and how to use them to your advantage.
Chapter VIII – Power Building Schedules
This chapter gives you several training routines based on Shaping Exercises, Conditioning Exercises and Strength-Building Exercises.
Chapter IX – Let Me Give You My Dream
Every positive human endeavor starts with but a dream. Developing muscular strength is no exception.
Chapter X – Strength Building Exercises
Several pages of exercises with illustrations of “BOSCO” demonstrating the best exercises for building functional strength.
Backstage with Bosco
“Development of Strength”is THE book to add the finishing touches to the muscular physique.
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
A 6″ x 9″ softcover book with a beautiful glossy two color cover. Over 112 pages, 6 chapters, including 56 photographs and beautiful BOSCO illustrations!
Development of Strength
by Harry B. Paschall
$ 14.95 + S&H
Check out these other publications by Harry B. Paschall:
(click on any image to read more!)
For a Limited Time Only…The Harry Paschall “Bosco” CollectionOrder all 4 books and courses by Harry PaschallRegularly $ 61.80Save $ 5.00!!!Order NOW for ONLY $ 56.80 + S&H |