The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses
by Mark H. Berry
Fully Illustrated with 3 Full Size, Fold Out, Wall Chart, Posters of John Grimek Demonstrating the Exercises!
In the 1930’s weight lifters like John Grimek, Joseph Curtis Hise, Roger Eells, Louis Abele, Wm Boone, Peary Rader, Bob Peoples, Henry “Milo” Steinborn, and Mark Berry, experimented with different methods of putting on muscular body weight and developing great strength in a relatively short period of time.
Much of what they did was built around what was known at the time as the “milk and squat” method and was so successful that it became the norm of the day.
Very simply, trainees used routines based on the 20 rep squat and drank lots of milk.
In 1936, while the owner of “The Berry Bar Bell Co.”, the author, for the first time, carefully laid out these result producing methods in three world famous correspondence courses that focused on heavy compound barbell movements using only barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.
He sold these courses with his barbells through his magazine, “Physical Training Notes”.
The author fully describes how to do exercises like squats, presses, snatches, cleans, jerks, continentals, straddle lifts, pushes, swings, and many more. These classic courses, describing the very successful training methods of the 1930’s, prove that it is possible to get great results with the most basic inexpensive equipment; adjustable plate loading barbells and dumbbells. No benches or machines are used!
Testimonials for
“The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses”
by Mark Berry
“Those books by Mark Berry opened up a whole new world of training for me. I didn’t realize that there were so many different barbell and dumbbell exercises. I’ve been able to arrange a dozen different routines with this information.”
Ken L.
Tacoma, Washington
“I have totally enjoyed The Mark Berry Bar bell Courses, and even though I’ve only done two workouts with it, Monday and today, I can say they are some of the most awesome workouts ever, and I am studying that book closely so that I can get the best results possible from it. Speaking of which I have also noted that I only get results on 20 rep squat programs when it comes to weight/muscle gain. It’s just a shame people nowadays have their brains stuck on body parts bull.”
Joseph P.
Pitkin, Louisiana
“Dear Bill, After ordering The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses I was delighted with its contents but also with the workouts these pioneers of the iron day did. Combining this with another book I also ordered from you, Gray Hair and Black Iron by Brooks Kubik. I am very much back into my best training. Being an avid trainer of over 30 yrs plus. I am now a fully fledged Dinosaur Trainer at 51.(in my small second bedroom The den of the garage gorilla) Coming across Bill’s recommendations on all his training life & times together with the legends of the golden age has given me further inspiration to be the best I can be at my age. To that alone ‘Thankyou Bill’ you continue to change my life. I will be ordering soon from your second to none authors. Regards, Speak soon”
Dane M.
Sydney, Australia
“John ‘The Glow’ Grimek was one of a kind….Unbelievable genetics, nearly superhuman strength, and a modesty which bordered on self deprecation….when HE entered a room, everyone fell silent, but he never tried to draw attention to himself. Everyone just knew that a very special person was among them….I had the good fortune to meet The Man on at least 10 occasions, and each time he addressed me by name even though several years had past since or meetings….He was always warm and friendly to all who approached him. He gave freely of his time and his knowledge….one of the characteristic habits he had was wearing a wide pants belt, sinched up tight….He said he did it to remind him to hold his waist in….It must have worked because his waist looked the same size every time I met him….I feel blessed to have been in the presence of this truly great and humble man….”
Joe B.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
“Thank you, Mr. Hinbern, for the outstanding wall charts! The exercises posed for by John Grimek really inspire me! The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses are a real classic!”
Paul S.
Trenton, New Jersey
“Hi Bill, Just received The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses and I must say they contain the best exercise wall charts that I have ever seen! The training information and selection of exercises are superb!”
Nigel C.
Derbyshire, England
All three courses are contained in one 8½” x 11″, 83 page, soft cover book. Full page photos of Joseph Curtis Hise, John Davis, Roger Eells, Clevio Massimo, Walter Padolak, Kenneth Terrell, Siegmund Klein, and Frank Leight round out this beautiful book.
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
Special Bonus!
These sensational courses come with 3, full size, 14″ x 20″, fold out, wall chart posters printed on special 100 lb., heavyweight, glossy, paper!
All 3 beautiful posters are fully illustrated with over 100 different rare photographs of John Grimek demonstrating over 52 different exercises using globe and plate loading type barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells!
Awesome for display! A constant source of inspiration and motivation!
Ready to be framed and proudly displayed in your gym, den, garage, etc!
You won’t want to miss this one! Hurry, get your copy today while the supply lasts!
The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses
by Mark Berry
$ 39.95 + S&H
More Weight Lifting Publications by Mark Berry:
(click on any image to read more!)
![]() Physical Training Simplified | ![]() The Mark Berry Bar Bell Courses |