Power by Paul by Paul Anderson

Power by Paul

by Paul Anderson

“The Dixie Derrick!”


Anderson 2-2

This book has often been hailed “the most complete power lifting course ever written.”

Power by Paul offers many unique routines developed and tested by Paul himself.

It is well known that Paul Anderson is given credit for being the first power lifter.

There were other athletes who did one or more of the power movements in their training, but Paul was the first athlete to successfully use the bench press, dead lift, and squat to build strength for the Olympic lifts.

He also performed public exhibitions in the three power lifts.

When he was an amateur lifter, there were no official records kept on the power lifts, but Paul has unofficially compiled the greatest power lifting total of all time.

These instructions are a must for all who want to better themselves in power lifting.

All lifts are demonstrated by Paul and whether you are a new comer to the sport or a veteran, you will be amazed at the new strength that you can gain from implementing Paul’s instructions.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

An 8½” x 11″ softcover book with 48 pages, 5 chapters, including 33 photographs!

Power By Paul

by Paul Anderson

$ 19.95 + S&H

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More Weight Lifting Publications by Paul Anderson:

(click on any image to read more!)


Anderson 1-2
Secrets of
My Strength
Anderson 2-2
Power By Paul
Anderson 3-2
Weights & Sports


For a Limited Time Only…

The Paul Anderson Collection

All 3 titles by Paul Anderson

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