Weights & Sports by Paul Anderson

Weights & Sports

by Paul Anderson

“The Dixie Derrick!”


Anderson 3-2

Paul Anderson has been associated with various sports for years.

He has seen weight training progress from taboo to a position of respect for the athlete that it has today throughout the coaching profession.

He has witnessed the acceptance of weightlifting by the American Athletic coach, as an assistance exercise for the enhancement of the athlete’s performance.

This course was originally written by Paul to assist athletic coaches.

Paul called on all of his years of self-experimentation, research on himself and others, and experience to write this course on weight lifting for the athlete.

Soon, the request for these instructions quickly extended beyond the realm of the coaching world, and because of this popular demand, Weights & Sports is now available to everyone.

There are many unique features in Weights & Sports including, instructions on how the athlete can continue a valuable lifting program while participating in a seasonal sport at the same time.

This is a very sensitive area and must be handled properly, so that the athlete will not become overworked.

Everyone who wants to improve his performance in any sport needs Weights & Sports to fulfill their ambitions.

Get a copy today and start training for your favorite sport!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

An 8½” x 11″ softcover book with 43 pages, 8 chapters, including 28 photographs!

Weights & Sports

by Paul Anderson

$ 19.95 + S&H

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More Weight Lifting Publications by Paul Anderson:

(click on any image to read more!)


Anderson 1-2
Secrets of
My Strength
Anderson 2-2
Power By Paul
Anderson 3-2
Weights & Sports


For a Limited Time Only…

The Paul Anderson Collection

All 3 titles by Paul Anderson

Regularly $ 59.85

Save $ 5.00!!!

Order NOW for ONLY $ 54.85 + S&H

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