How to Develop a Powerful Grip by Edward Aston

How to Develop a Powerful Grip

by Edward Aston

Britain’s Strongest Man 1911-1934


Aston 1-2Born in the village of Yeadon, Yorkshire, England, in 1884, Edward Aston started lifting weights at the age of ten.At the peak of his career he stood 5′ 7 3/4″ tall, weighed 170 lbs. and had large powerful hands.He took the strength world by storm by winning the World’s Middle-Weight Weight-Lifting Championship from Maxick the famous Bavarian Hercules at Granville Music Hall, Watham Green, Fulham, London on August 4th 1910.

In June of 1911, he won the Heavy-Weight Weight-Lifting Championship of Great Britain and won the title of Britain’s Strongest Man by defeating the great Thomas Inch in a challenge match.

Aston held these titles for a record period of 23 years and retired UNDEFEATED in 1934.

In 1913, at the Crystal Palace in London, Aston did a Right Hand Anyhow (one hand “all the way,” standing the barbell on end to shoulder it) of 300½ lbs.

Aston was the first Englishman to lift 300 lbs. overhead with one hand and could do a one-arm snatch with 180 lbs. as well as a one-arm clean to the shoulder with 250 lbs.

That same year in Paris, he did a Two Hands Dead Lift of 496 lbs. on a 2¼” bar using an overgrip.

Another time during a challenge in a music hall act, he picked up Apollo’s (William Bankier) 280 lb. sack of flour, put it on his back, and walked off the stage!

Edward Aston lifted 496 pounds on a 2.25 inch thick bar with an overhand grip – a tremendous feat of grip strength.

Vide Press stated that he was, “England’s greatest 12-stone strength athlete ever!”

Aston toured the music halls for years with his strongman act.

He was highly respected for his honesty in showmanship and would frequently jump the stage of many an under handed professional strongman exposing them for using phoney props or weights that were less than the poundage claimed.

Edward Aston
“Britain’s Strongest Man”

“To gain anything you must give something. In the case of gaining strength, first of all you must give strength. You must make physical exertion in order to break down the muscular tissue which, when replaced by new tissue, as is Nature’s way, gives greater strength in return.”
– Edward Aston, English strongman (1884 – 1974)

Learn from “Great Britain’s Strongest Man”

A biography of the famous Edward Aston, Britain’s Strongest Man.

A discussion of several notable strongmen of the day along with their special pet feats of grip strength. William P. Caswell, Charles Vansittart “The Man with the Iron Grip,” Siegmund Breitbart, John Grunn Marx, Thomas Topham, Alexander “Samson” Zass, J. C. “The Mighty Apollo” Tolson, William Fox, Eugen SandowThomas Inch, William “Apollo” Bankier, etc.

Learn about and adapt Aston’s unusual grip training exercises. Some he not only personally used but had discovered throughout his colorful strongman stage career.

A selection of the author’s favorite result producing exercises for developing a powerful grip.

A comparison of the forearm size of 27 famous strongmen.

And much, much more!

Here’s What Others Say About…

“How to Develop a Powerful Grip”
by Edward Aston

“Just received the Aston grip course. I have already added some of the unusual exercises to my training sessions. I should get great results!”
Joe S.
Middleburgh, New York

“Hey Bill, Thanks for the fast delivery of ‘How to Develop a Powerful Grip’ by Aston. Looks like a winner!”
Pierre L.
Winnipeg, Canada

“Hi Bill, Thanks for ‘The Classic Grip Collection’ that just arrived. Many thanks! I especially like the Grip book by Edward Aston. I’ve never seen some of the exercises and can’t wait to start using them. Thanks, again!”
Greg B.
Schenectady, New York

“Thanks much, Bill! You came through for me when I asked for information on training my grip. I think the Edward Aston course is just what I need.”
Aaron M.
Reidsville, North Carolina

“Hi Mr. Hinbern, I ordered several books from you recently and really like the collection of grip courses, the Aston course, especially. Keep up the good work!”
Geoffrey M.
London, England

“Hope this email finds you well. Say, I’ve been doing the grip exercises found in the Edward Aston course. If you recall I mentioned I had problems doing chin ups. No more! Thank you, sir, for making these books available!”
John Z.
Portland, Oregon

“I wanted to thank you for the advice regarding where to begin with weightlifting. Luckily, I ordered the Aston grip course. It has helped me with doing deadlifts.”
Jeremy B.
Mountain Top, PA

“Hi Bill, Thank you for shipping the grip courses so fast! They provide a ton of information, especially, the one by Edward Aston. Good stuff!”
Thomas R.
Owings Mills, Maryland

In 1946, Edward Aston passed on his years of strongman knowledge by putting pen to paper and writing this valuable grip training course.

All in all, this publication is not only very informative but entertaining as well.

It will provide you with exercises that can not be found anywhere else.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A fully illustrated 8½” x 11″ softcover book with 16 pages!

How to Develop a Powerful Grip

by Edward Aston

$ 9.95 + S&H

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More Grip Training Publications here:

(click on any image to read more!)


Aston 1-2
How to Develop a
Powerful Grip
by Edward Aston
Brown 1-2
Iron Claws
by Michael H. Brown
Inch 1-2
Developing a Powerful
Grip and Forearm
by Thomas Inch
Jowett 3-2
Molding a Mighty Grip
by George F. Jowett


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by Aston, Brown, Inch, and Jowett

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