Thomas Inch – The Scarborough Hercules

Thomas Inch

“The Scarborough Hercules!”

The First Official “Britain’s Strongest Man”

Inch 7-2After becoming “Britain’s Strongest Youth” at 16, and “Britain’s Strongest Man” in 1910, Thomas Inch was aptly nicknamed “The Scarborough Hercules”.

While striking up a friendship with the “The Attila Brothers” and “The Saxon Brothers”, he set out to build a physical culture empire as large as that of the famous Eugen Sandow.

He talked with Arthur Saxon quite often and gained a great deal of practical knowledge regarding weight training methods.

His physical culture mail order empire, at the time, soon became the largest of its kind in the world.

As a matter of fact, it far exceeded his wildest dreams, surpassing even that of Sandow!

At one point he had over 120 employees on staff with over 50 typists distributing his bodybuilding courses of instruction and equipment all over Europe.

He traveled far and wide giving strength exhibitions and taking on all challengers including Edward Aston, William Caswell, etc.

The name Thomas Inch became synonymous with “Overhead Lifts”, his “Challenge Dumbbell” and “Challenge Gripper”.

Even though he promoted chest expanders and free exercises as part of his special training instruction, he always maintained that the lifting of heavy weights was far superior.

Thomas Inch the Pioneer and Innovator
Famous for Several FIRSTS in Physical Culture

  • The FIRST to introduce adjustable plate loading barbells and dumbbells for increasing strength.
  • The FIRST to promote the use of weight training for developing great strength and a well developed physique.
  • The FIRST to promote the value of holding heavy weights overhead for long periods in preparation for personal records and lifting competitions.
  • The FIRST to promote weight training for the improvement of athletic performance.
  • The FIRST to promote the use of weight training to correct physical abnormalities.
  • The FIRST to promote the use of weight training for remedial purposes, such as, the strengthening of weak hearts.

World Champions Weight Trained by Thomas Inch

  • Reggie Walker, of South Africa, broke the record of 10.8 seconds to win the 100 meter dash at the 1908 Summer Olympic Games. (as of 2008, Walker is still the youngest winner of the Olympic 100 meters).
  • Bombardier Billy Wells, became Heavyweight Boxing Champion of Great Britain from 1911 to 1919.
  • “Gunner” James Moir fought a 10 round bout with Tommy Burns for the World’s Heavyweight Boxing Championship in 1907.

After enjoying tremendous popularity as a strongman of the stage, in 1905, Thomas Inch wrote his first, of several, books:

“Scientific Weight Lifting”

It became an overnight best seller and sold well over 40,000 copies!

Click on the images below and read about this and other special weight training books by strong man Thomas Inch!

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

Famous Weight Training Publications by Thomas Inch:

(click on any image to read more!)


Inch 2-2

Scientific Weight Lifting
by Thomas Inch
Inch 3-2

The Art & Science of Lifting
by Thomas Inch
Inch 4-2

Thomas Inch On Strength
by Thomas Inch
Inch 1-2

Developing the
Grip and Forearm
by Thomas Inch


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all 4 titles by Thomas Inch

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