Black Iron: The John Davis Story by Brooks Kubik

Black Iron

The John Davis Story

A Remarkable Lesson In…
the Power of the Unshakable Human Spirit!

by Brooks D. Kubik

Kubik 6-2Here it is, at long last…the author’s tribute to John Davis, the Super-Athlete of the weightlifting world!

His meticulously researched account of John’s lifting career, including interviews with friends, training partners, and teammates on World and Olympic Championship teams.

Learn EXACTLY what it was like to train with John.

Read about his legendary battles with Steve Stanko, his World Championship showdowns, his Olympic victories, the Pan-American Games, his battles to beat the Russian champions, his National, World and Olympic records, the day he lifted the ponderous Apollon wheels.

It includes a number of never before published photos of Davis at the height of his lifting career including his spectacular Olympic Gold medals.

All during a record breaking 15 year winning streak in the history of Olympic weightlifting!Learn the details of his actual training, including the EXACT, never before published, secret training program that John Davis used in 1940, and dictated, word for word, to his training partner when he was named the very best weightlifter, in the entire world!

Not only a moving biography, but a remarkable lesson in the power of the unshakeable human spirit as John Davis battles against seemingly impossible odds.

A Tribute to Black Iron: The John Davis Story!
by Brooks Kubik

“What a tribute to this marvelous athlete if a book was to be published detailing his whole career from 1938 to 1953, titled: A Tribute to John Davis, Super-Athlete.”
Leo Gaudreau
Iron Game Historian and author of “Anvils, Horseshoes and Cannons”

“Greetings Bill, Just finished reading ‘Black Iron: The John Davis Story’ by Brooks Kubik and you were correct! The foreword was outstanding and gave me the feeling of, ‘I can’t wait’! Mr. Kubik has done an outstanding job, bringing to life one of the greatest champions of all time and I thank him for it. This is a must read for anyone who wants to know the real story of weightlifting, and the many trials of being the first African American, world champion. I am e-mailing Mr. Kubik also, just to let him know what a great job he has done…Thanks Bill, and the top of the afternoon to ya…”
Reginald A.
San Antonio, Texas

“Iam writing to let you know that I finished reading ‘Black Iron: The John Davis Story’ by Brooks Kubik. I enjoyed the book. It gives you an insight on John’s life and lifting career. John broke the color line in weightlifting, just like Jackie Robinson did in baseball. And, like Jackie Robinson, John had to deal with being treated as a second class citizen. That was before the civil rights movement. You take Bob Hoffman, more than being an Olympic lifting coach, Bob was a father figure to his lifters. It was like family. That was the Golden Age of Olympic Lifting in the United States. I just want to let you know that ‘Black Iron: The John Davis Story’ was an excellent book. When it comes to the Iron Game, Brooks Kubik knows his stuff. That’s it for now.”
Ned B.
Weymouth, Massachusetts

“Good to hear that this great athlete is being recognized at this time so the younger trainers get to know and appreciate his almost unbelievable accomplishments…He and Tommy Kono were my heroes when I started weight training in the ‘40s…They were 2 of the greatest athletes of the 20th century but were mostly ignored because weighlifting/training were not embraced by the public or the sports writing press…What a shame…”
Joe B.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

“I also tip my hat to Brooks. The story brought tears to my eyes…..John Davis was, AND IS, American Olympic Weightlifting…..”
Joe B.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

“The John Davis autobiography is GREAT!”
Stephen M.
Port Chester, New York

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

This 7″ x 10″ softcover book is a full 1 1/4 inches thick! It weighs in at a hefty 2 pounds, 4 ounces! It has nearly 500 pages, including 16 pages of rare photographs!

Order your copy of Brooks Kubik’s exciting new biography today!

Black Iron: The John Davis Story

by Brooks Kubik



Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 1-2
Dinosaur Training
Kubik 2-2
Knife, Fork, Muscle
Kubik 3-2
Gray Hair
and Black Iron
Kubik 4-2
Strength, Muscle
and Power
Kubik 5-2
Chalk and Sweat
Kubik 6-2
Black Iron:
The John Davis Story
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training


You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 7-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 1
A Novel
Kubik 8-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 2
Clouds of War
Kubik 9-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 3
The 1,000 Pound Total
Kubik 10-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 4
York Goes to War!
Kubik 11-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 5
Barbells in the Pacific

<-- Click to return to the Brooks Kubik page

Reg Park

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