Legacy of Iron Vol. 3 – The 1,000 Pound Total by Brooks Kubik

The 3rd Book in the Landmark Series…

Legacy of Iron Vol. 3

The 1,000 Pound Total

by Brooks Kubik

Kubik 9-2It is my opinion that most people who have followed lifting during the 30’s and 40’s somehow overlooked one man.

This man was clearly a National Champion as well as a World Champion in lifting.

In addition, he was one of the very few in history that managed to cross over and become a bodybuilding champion as well.

His name…

Steve Stanko.

In this, the third volume in the Legacy of Iron series, Brooks Kubik takes you into the summer of 1940. During this time there was a fierce competition between the Big Champ, Steve Stanko, and the World Champion, John Davis to become the first man to total 1,000 pounds in the three Olympic lifts.

To give you an idea of the kind of weight these two champions were tossing around, that cover photo shown at the left is Steve Stanko doing a clean and jerk of no less than 350 pounds!

Steve Stanko was the reigning Heavyweight Senior National Champion, and the World record holder in the snatch, clean and jerk and total. However, World Champion, John Davis, had just moved from the 181 pound class to the Heavyweight class.

At this time in lifting history, the entire lifting world watched as these two vied for the crown.

What happens, is just short of a miracle…

Testimonials for
“LEGACY OF IRON Vol. 3 – The 1,000 Pound Total”
by Brooks Kubik

Legacy of Iron Vol. 3 – The 1,000 Pound Total is a must, a very good read. A book that will inspire you and enrich your life.”
Ian Duckett
Natural Mr. Britain and Natural Mr. Europe Author of Blood, Sweat and Tears: Natural Bodybuilding and other inspiring books

“Brooks Kubik has written an important and inspiring book. I recommend it to everyone who lifts or wants to start. To learn about what many consider ‘The Golden Era of American Weightlifting,’ truly a wonderful time in the history of weight training, read ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 3 – The 1,000 Pound Total’.”
Clarence Bass
Over-40 Mr. America, Author of RippedLean for LifeChallenge Yourselfand other outstanding books Columnist for Muscle and Fitness magazine

“Fantastic book, ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 3 – The 1,000 Pound Total!’ Enjoyed each and every word. Looking forward to the next installment.”
Steve Speyrer
Leonville, Louisiana 

“It was like reading a book about me and how I got started in weightlifting. Great book – thanks for the memories!”
Ike Berger
United States, World and Olympic Weightlifting Champion and record holder

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A 5½” x 8½” softcover book with over 220 pages and 78 chapters!

Order Your Copy of Brooks Kubik’s Exciting New Book Today…
and Learn How They Trained During the Golden Years of the Iron Game!

Legacy of Iron Vol. 3

The 1,000 Pound Total

by Brooks Kubik

$ 24.95 + S&H

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You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 7-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 1
A Novel
Kubik 8-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 2
Clouds of War
Kubik 9-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 3
The 1,000 Pound Total
Kubik 10-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 4
York Goes to War!
Kubik 11-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 5
Barbells in the Pacific


For a Limited Time Only…

Legacy of Iron Series

Remaining Volumes 2,3,4,5

(Volume 1 is SOLD OUT!)

Regularly $ 99.80

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Order NOW for ONLY $ 89.90 + S&H

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Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 1-2
Dinosaur Training
Kubik 2-2
Knife, Fork, Muscle
Kubik 3-2
Gray Hair
and Black Iron
Kubik 4-2
Strength, Muscle
and Power
Kubik 5-2
Chalk and Sweat
Kubik 6-2
Black Iron:
The John Davis Story
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

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