Big Arms by REG PARK – Mr. Universe

New Release!

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REG PARK, Reveals his Secret Training Methods for…

“Big Arms!”

Park-Arms - 2

Back by popular demand after 40 years!

The same secret arm specialization barbell and dumbbell training methods that World Famous Bodybuilder, Reg Park, used to win the prestigious NABBA Mr. Universe 3 times!

The same training methods contained in this book that are responsible for the popularity of “The Big Arm Craze” which was so prevalent during “The Golden Age of Bodybuilding” of the 1960s.

Reg Park wrote and published this course shortly after he won the NABBA Mr. Universe for the THIRD time in 1965.

He carefully laid out all the secrets that he had learned and paved the way for many of the greats during the “GOLDEN YEARS OF BODYBUILDING” in the 1960s!

This arm training book is EXTREMELY RARE.

Fortunately, I held on to a few of the last known copies from when I was the North American Agent for REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd. in the early 1970’s.

Therefore, I have published a VERY LIMITED SUPPLY and can offer them today!

Here you have it, the author explains in detail EXACTLY how he built his 19 inch flexed Mr. Universe Arms that has rated him No. 7 in “The Top 10 Biceps in Bodybuilding History”!

While his immensely popular, “The Reg Park ‘Mr. Universe’ Barbell and Dumbbell Course”, has helped thousands of trainees in bodybuilding, this, his special arm specialization course, goes into detail regarding ALL facets of building HUGE MUSCULAR ARMS.

This is NOT a beginner course!

This arm training course is specifically designed for those that have completed “The Reg Park ‘Mr. Universe’ Barbell and Dumbbell Course”, and provides a 6 Week Intermediate Course, a 6 Week Advanced Course, a 6 Week Champion Course, and a Pre Contest Arm Routine.

These arm training methods not only helped Reg Park become a world champion bodybuilder, they also helped him become the FIRST bodybuilder, and 2nd man in the world, to Bench Press 500 lbs.!

In addition, he was capable of a Behind the Neck Press of 300 lbs.!

Here are some things you can expect to find in

“Big Arms” by REG PARK

Learn HOW He Built His “Mr. Universe” Arms.

The Muscles and Functions of the Arm Muscles.

The Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments Complete with Anatomical Illustrations.

How Do Muscles Grow?

Muscular Nourishment for Accelerated Growth.

Rest for Better Results.

Concentration and Strict Style.

Training Suggestions For Beginners.

The 21 Favorite Exercises that Reg Park Used to Build His 19 Inch “Mr. Universe” Arms.

One 6 Week Intermediate Course.

One 6 Week Advanced Course.

One 6 Week Champion Course.

One Pre Contest Arm Routine.

Read about Reg Park – “The Legend.”

A Complete Listing of All of Reg Park’s Bodybuilding Titles.

A Complete Listing of All Movies Starring Reg Park as “Hercules.”

Plus 53 RARE photos of Reg Park posing for each exercise!

A beautiful 6″ x 9″, softcover book, with 32 pages, printed on special glossy paper.

Read what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about

REG PARK “Mr. Universe”

“Other than my parents, there may be no single person who had more to do with me becoming the person I am today other than Reg.

Two magnificent photos of Reg Park hang on the wall in my study, one with a handwritten inscription that I treasure. Reg was way ahead of his time; he remains an inspiration to physical culturists everywhere.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger
7-time IFBB Mr. Olympia
4-time NABBA Mr. Universe
4-time Powerlifting Champion
Motion Picture Star

Read What People Say About:

“Big Arms” by REG PARK

“Just received my copy of ‘Big Arms’ by Reg Park! Thank you for taking the time to publish this rare course. The rare photos of Reg Park turned out great! I can’t wait to add the arm routines to my training! Thanks, again!”
George A.
Chesterfield, Virginia

”Hi Bill,
I got my two new Reg Park courses!
I want to give you and Jon Jon A SPECIAL THANK YOU for making them available again.
Thanks also for the Christmas card, that was great too.
These courses were a very special gift to myself.
As all the other Reg Park courses you and Jon Jon have made available.
‘Principles change, the truth stays the same’.
That is what Reg lived, wrote about in his training courses, and it’s still applicable today.
Thanks again take care my friend,

Zyndall G.
Lenoir, North Carolina

“I wanted to let you know that I have been using the Intermediate Course found in your ‘Big Arms’ by Reg Park. Already I’m starting to feel the difference. I will be ordering his other courses very soon!”
Brian N.
Tyrone, North Ireland

“I decided to order Reg Park’s ‘Big Arms’ book after using his ‘Mr. Universe’ Barbell and Dumbbell Course’. I want to tell you that I’m getting great results from both courses. Keep up the good work!”
James S.
Berkeley, California

It’s no wonder that Reg Park quickly became the idol and mentor of 7 Time Mr. Olympia Winner, Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Champion bodybuilder, strongman, movie star, gym owner, equipment distributor, writer, magazine publisher.

Reg Park did it ALL in the Iron Game!

Little wonder Reg Park is often referred to as THE LEGEND…

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

P.S. An absolute must if you want HUGE MUSCULAR ARMS now! A classic course, fully illustrated.


Big Arms

by Reg Park

Only $ 15.95 + S&H

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Click on any publication by REG PARK for more information:

Park-MrU2 - 2

Barbell and Dumbbell Course

Park-Bulk - 2

11 Specialization Courses

Park-Arms - 2

Big Arms

Park-Chest - 2

A Big Chest for You

Park-Bulk - 7
Strength and Bulk Training
for Weight Lifters
and Body Builders

Park-Multi-Set - 3-2

The Secret of
the Multi-Set System

Park-ScienceOfDumbbell - 3-2

The Science of
Dumbbell Training

Park-TrainingForPower - 3-2
Training for Power

For a Limited Time Only…

The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” Collection

All 8 titles including 18 courses by REG PARK

Regularly $ 199.60

Save $ 30.00!!!

Order NOW for ONLY $ 169.60 + S&H

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