New Release!!!
Mr. Universe Reveals His Secrets to Muscular Power…
and a World Class Physique!
The Secret of the Multi-Set System
by Reg Park
Mr. Universe 1951, 1958 and 1965
This is the FIRST training course ever written by a bodybuilder EXCLUSIVELY on the subject of “sets and repetitions.”
Reg Park reveals how he discovered the “multi-set system” through the experiences of the early pioneers of weight training.
Men like Mark Berry, the FIRST United States Olympic Weightlifting Coach; John C. Grimek, the only UNDEFEATED bodybuilder in history; Doug Hepburn, the FIRST man to Bench Press 500 pounds; Siegmund Klein, the famous New York City gym owner; Barton R. Horvath, the FIRST cover man for Weider’s “Your Physique” magazine; Maurice Jones, “The Canadian Hercules”; Charles Coster, famous English weightlifting authority; etc.
Later, after much experimenting, Park began adapting this method of training with marked success when he began weight training in 1946.
Why Use “Sets” of Repetitions in Your Training?
While the method of utilizing the “multi-set system” of training is common place, today, it wasn’t always this way.
Early weightlifters, strongmen, bodybuilders, wrestlers, etc., used a variety of training schedules, but it wasn’t until the late 1940s when repeating another “set” of the SAME exercise caught on and became popular.
Reg Park was one of the very FIRST to advocate such training and attributed much of his whirlwind bodybuilding and weight lifting success to it.
“World’s Best Developed Man”
Any time the conversation turns to muscular bulk and power, the world famous name of Reg Park comes to mind. Reg brought physical development to a new high by winning the “NABBA Mr. Universe” not once, not twice, but THREE times!
Reg was very helpful when it came to training. When Bruce Randall approached Reg for advice to help him prepare for the “NABBA 1958 Mr. Universe” contest, he didn’t hesitate, even though they were both competing! Reg won the overall contest, of course, but the advice that Reg gave Bruce was so good that Randall came in second! The following year Bruce Randall won the “NABBA 1959 Mr. Universe” contest.
Park competed in physique contests from 1946 to 1973, a span of 27 years! He won “Mr. Britain 1949”, and “NABBA Mr. Universe 1951, 1958 and 1965″!
In addition, Reg Park was the idol and mentor of 7 time “IFBB Mr. Olympia”, Arnold Schwarzenegger! Arnold spent a lot of time with Reg over the years and considered him to be one of the best bodybuilders of all time.
Movie Star of the Italian Sword and Sandal Muscle Man Epics
Reg Park was the only British bodybuilder to star in the Italian sword and sandal muscleman movies of the 1950’s and 60’s. He starred in: “Hercules in the Haunted World” (1961), “Hercules and the Captive Women” (1963), “Maciste in King Solomon’s Mines” (1964), Hercules, Prisoner of Evil” (1964), and “Hercules the Avenger” (1965). Even though his movies were produced over 45 years ago, they are still every bit as popular today.
Massively Built and Incredibly Strong
Reg Park was the SECOND man and the FIRST bodybuilder in the world to bench press 500 lbs.! At the “1957 Pro Mr. USA”, Reg Park bench pressed over 500 lbs. in street clothes!
Throughout his Career REG PARK’S best lifts were:
Bench Press with 500 lbs.
Dumbbell Bench Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Behind the Neck Press with 300 Lbs.
Standing Dumbbell Press with two 140 Lb. dumbbells.
One Arm Dumbbell Press with 165 lbs. for two reps.
Incline Dumbbell Press with two 185 lb. dumbbells for five reps.
Lying Triceps Extension with 300 lbs. for three reps.
Strict Barbell Curl with 200 lbs.
Squat with 605 lbs. for two reps.
Front Squat with 405 lbs.
“The Secret of the Multi-Set System”
For several decades, bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, etc., the world over, have experimented with a variety of different set and rep combinations.
While the methods have evolved, the basic concepts have remained relatively the same.
Here is an outline of what you can expect to learn from this groundbreaking training course:
An interesting preface by Clarence Ross, “AAU Mr. America 1945”, “Pro Mr. USA 1948”, and One of ONLY TWO men to beat the legendary Steve Reeves TWICE in bodybuilding competition.
An introduction to the history of weight training methods and the use of various repetition schedules.
The reason why the “multi-set system” gives such remarkable results.
An explanation of the “secret” of the multi-set system and why it is important for intermediate and advanced bodybuilders and weightlifters to implement in their training.
The EXACT 3 month training schedule of 10 different exercises, accompanied by beautiful illustrations, that Reg Park used prior to winning his FIRST “NABBA Mr. Universe” title.
Discussions of important topics such as exhaustion vs. recovery, etc., are covered.
Important suggestions for the beginning, intermediate, or advanced, weight trainer.
How to make necessary adjustments if you are underweight or overweight.
How to apply the “multi-set system” to your current weight training routine.
An inspirational conclusion to help you get on with successful training.
A rare photo of Reg Park bench pressing 500 pounds in street clothes, on an old wooden bench, at the “1957 Pro Mr. USA”, on May 11th 1957, at Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California.
A rare photo of Reg Park trying a very unique, and difficult, bench press with a pair of 150 pound barbells.
Helpful Skeletal and Muscular Anatomy Charts to help you focus on specific areas of the body.
Detailed information about Reg Park’s many Bodybuilding Contest Titles.
Detailed information about his many famous “Hercules” motion pictures.
Fully illustrated with 28 rare and beautiful photos and illustrations.
And much, much more!
Champion bodybuilder, strongman, movie star, gym owner, writer, publisher of “The Reg Park Journal”. Reg Park has done everything in the strength world!
Read what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about
REG PARK “Mr. Universe”…
“Other than my parents, there may be no single person who had more to do with me becoming the person I am today other than Reg.
Two magnificent photos of Reg Park hang on the wall in my study, one with a handwritten inscription that I treasure. Reg was way ahead of his time; he remains an inspiration to physical culturists everywhere.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
7-time IFBB Mr. Olympia
4-time NABBA Mr. Universe
4-time Powerlifting Champion
Motion Picture Star
Read What People Say About:
“The Secret of the Multi-Set System” by REG PARK
“I have used the set system since I began using barbells, as a kid. I never gave any thought as to why. Now I know. It gives me a better knowledge of how to arrange my workouts.”
John A.
Chesterfield, Virginia
“This book was a real eye opener! I had no idea what the reason was behind doing ‘sets’. Thank you, Mr. Hinbern!”
Michael P.
Chicago, Illinois
“Simply explained, this course should be read by every beginner who wishes to be successful in bodybuilding and weightlifting.”
Laim T.
Surrey, Great Britain
“Throughout history, Reg Park has always dominated bodybuilding around the world. You can tell why, after reading this book.”
George F.
Clayton, New Jersey
“Thank you for making this book available, Bill! I can’t wait to put the ideas in this book to use!”
Josh R.
San Diego, California
“In my opinion, knowing ‘why’ is just as important as knowing ‘how’. Simply explained, this book will give any weightlifter a better understanding of what they are doing.”
Matthew S.
West Sussex, Great Britain
To learn and utilize the training methods found in Reg Park’s famous course, only a few pieces of equipment are needed.
A set of adjustable plate loading barbells and dumbbells, a flat bench, parallel bars, and an incline board.
Once you have set up your gym, you are ready to begin your 3 month journey to increased muscular size and a noticeable increase in overall strength.
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
P.S. A classic course! The training methods found in this course helped catapult Reg Park to become the top bodybuilder in the world for decades!
A beautiful 8½” x 11″, softcover, training manual, fully illustrated, with 24 pages.
The Secret of the Multi-Set System
by Reg Park
Only $ 15.95 + S&H
Click on any publication by REG PARK for more information:
![]() The REG PARK Barbell and Dumbbell Course | ![]() The REG PARK 11 Specialization Courses | ![]() Big Arms | ![]() A Big Chest for You |
![]() for Weight Lifters and Body Builders | ![]() The Secret of the Multi-Set System | ![]() The Science of Dumbbell Training | ![]() |
For a Limited Time Only…The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” CollectionAll 8 titles including 18 courses by REG PARKRegularly $ 199.60Save $ 30.00!!!Order NOW for ONLY $ 169.60 + S&H |