THE LEGEND, Reveals his Secret Training Methods in…
The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” Barbell and Dumbbell Course
Back by popular demand after 40 years!
The secret barbell and dumbbell training methods that World Famous Bodybuilder, REG PARK, used to win the prestigious NABBA Mr. Universe 3 times!
These 2 books and 6 wall charts, are EXTREMELY RARE.
I have the last known copies from when I was the North American Agent for REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd. in the early 1970’s!
While his immensely popular course, “Strength & Bulk Training for Weight Lifters & Body Builders”, has put literally TONS of muscular mass on thousands of trainees, this, his MASTER COURSE, goes into detail regarding ALL facets of successful barbell training.
Standing 6’1″,with a top weight of 250 lbs, PARK was an imposing figure on the posing platform.
His method for building enormous strength and muscular mass is considered the forerunner to modern bodybuilding today.
His almost SUPER HUMAN muscular development can be seen in his FIVE “Hercules” movies of the 1960s.
He helped Bruce Randall with his training while knowing they would compete in the 1958 NABBA Mr. Universe. PARK won, BUT the following year, Randall won the NABBA Mr. Universe 1959!
That’s how REG PARK was, ALWAYS willing to help anyone with valuable training advice.
Champion bodybuilder, strongman, movie star, gym owner, equipment distributor, writer, magazine publisher.
He did it ALL in the Iron Game!
Little wonder Reg Park is often referred to as THE LEGEND…
Here are some things you can expect to find in…
The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” Barbell and Dumbbell Course
General Principles of Weight Training; Selecting Your Starting Poundages.
Seriousness During Training and Correct Approach; Keeping Records.
Food; Gaining and Losing Weight; Sleep and Relaxation.
Enthusiasm; Impatience; Over Training and Under Training; Cheating Methods.
Four 8 week Barbell and Dumbbell Courses (all round training, the RIGHT way).
A 6 week Power Barbell Course (to prepare you for handling HEAVY poundages).
A 10 week Advanced Barbell and Dumbbell Course (intro to SPLIT ROUTINES).
Front and Back Anatomical Muscular Illustrations; Various Bodily Systems.
Interesting Facts About REG PARK: His Bodybuilding Titles, Movies, etc.
One 8½” x 11″, 32 page training manual of “General Physical Culture Advice.”
One 8½” x” 11″, 32 page training manual of “Weight Training Courses.”
The secret to poundage increases for smooth weight progression.
Six full size, 12″ x 18″, fold out, wall chart posters printed on special 100 lb., heavyweight, glossy paper, with over 75 different exercises posed for by REG PARK!
And much, much more!
This COMPLETE course in barbell and dumbbell training will take you from a novice all the way through to advanced training.
Read what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to say about
REG PARK “Mr. Universe”…
“Other than my parents, there may be no single person who had more to do with me becoming the person I am today other than Reg.
Two magnificent photos of Reg Park hang on the wall in my study, one with a handwritten inscription that I treasure. Reg was way ahead of his time; he remains an inspiration to physical culturists everywhere.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger
7-time IFBB Mr. Olympia
4-time NABBA Mr. Universe
4-time Powerlifting Champion
Motion Picture Star
Read What People Say About:
“The REG PARK ‘Mr. Universe’ Barbell and Dumbbell Course”
“My contact with Reg Park goes back to 1949 when he appeared at the ‘Free Trade Hall’ Manchester, 30 miles away from Liverpool. I had to spot him on his Bench Press and as a 19 year old neophyte I was very impressed with his great strength not only on the Bench Press but also in the Press Behind Neck and the standing Dumbell press. Later that year I saw him win the Mr Britain 1949 contest though he was somewhat overshadowed by the immortal John Grimek who was the star performer. I last saw him in Liverpool on his retirement tour during the 1990’s. I often wonder about his opinion on drug usage of today. His magazine Reg Park Journal and the earlier Muscleman were excellent.”
Vic B.
Liverpool, England
REG PARK wrote this course shortly after he won the NABBA Mr. Universe for the FIRST time in 1951.
He carefully laid out all the secrets that he had learned and paved the way for many of the greats during the GOLDEN YEARS OF BODYBUILDING in the 1950s and 1960s!
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
P.S. An absolute must if you want huge gains in muscular bulk and power now! A classic course, fully illustrated.
The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” Barbell and Dumbbell Course
Only $ 49.95 + S&H
Click on these publications by REG PARK for more information:
![]() The REG PARK Barbell and Dumbbell Course | ![]() The REG PARK 11 Specialization Courses | ![]() Big Arms | ![]() A Big Chest for You |
![]() for Weight Lifters and Body Builders | ![]() The Secret of the Multi-Set System | ![]() The Science of Dumbbell Training | ![]() |
For a Limited Time Only…The REG PARK “Mr. Universe” CollectionAll 8 titles including 18 courses by REG PARKRegularly $ 199.60Save $ 30.00!!!Order NOW for ONLY $ 169.60 + S&H |