Dinosaur Bodyweight Training by Brooks Kubik

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Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

by Brooks D. Kubik

Author of the international best seller, “Dinosaur Training”

As is well known, the author has trained with heavy barbells and dumbbells, exclusively, for his entire life.

But then one day, he decided to experiment with some “bodyweight” exercises.

Surprisingly, he began to grow bigger and more muscular.

And this occurred while he was in his LATE 40’s, after a lifetime of heavy lifting.

Before he knew it, he was growing out of shirts and suits that had fit for many years.

His arms, chest, shoulders, and back were BIGGER and THICKER at age 48 then they were when he was doing heavy powerlifting in his 20’s and 30’s!

He was shocked, to say the least.

It shocked him so much that he decided to put together what he had learned into a detailed training course.

He named it, “DINOSAUR BODYWEIGHT TRAINING” – and many readers have said that it’s the most comprehensive and complete course of bodyweight training ever written.

And now, he has revised, expanded, and reformatted the original course – and added some great new photos – and offering it in book form for the very first time.

It’s a BIG book, too – the little monster measures 8½” x 11″ and weighs in at a Dino-sized 200 pages, with over 180 photos!


An encyclopedia of bodyweight exercises – including exercises for beginners, intermediates and advanced trainees – and some exercises that require world-class strength to perform.

Over 50 hard-hitting, step by step training programs – including all-bodyweight programs and programs that combine bodyweight training and weight training.

Detailed instruction to help build strength and muscle – FAST!

It’s all here, packaged in an easy to read, 12 Lesson format that will quickly teach you everything you need to know about super-intense, super-effective BODYWEIGHT TRAINING!

Table of Contents

Foreword by Bill Hinbern
Introduction to the First Edition
Introduction to the Second Edition

Lesson One: Picture A Powerful, Physically Perfect Physique

Lesson Two: The Forgotten Secret Of Successful Physical Training

Lesson Three: Twelve Keys To Successful Strength Training And Muscle Building

Lesson Four: Seven Secrets Of Dinosaur Mind Power That Will Triple Your Rate Of Progress

Lesson Five: How To Powerize Your Entire Body With Dinosaur Pushups

Lesson Six: Lift Yourself To New Levels Of Strength And Muscular Development With Dinosaur Pull-Ups!

Lesson Seven: Forge Ferocious, Unrelenting Nerve Force And Titanic Total Body Power By Training The Muscles Of The Neck And Spinal Column

Lesson Eight: How To Transform Your Legs Into Twin Pillars Of Power

Lesson Nine: How To Build Unlimited Strength, Health And Fitness With Dinosaur Core Training

Lesson Ten: How To Develop Fearsome Forearms, Ferocious Fingers And Gorilla Gripping Power

Lesson Eleven: How To Build Pulverizing Body Power With Rope And Ring Training

Lesson Twelve: Fifty Tiger Tough Workouts That Will Build Super Strength, Ferocious Mind-Numbing Power, A Classic Physique and Unlimited Health And Fitness Quickly and Efficiently

Final Message
About the Author

Here’s What People Are Saying About
“Dinosaur Bodyweight Training”
by Brooks Kubik:

“Got Dinosaur Bodyweight Training last night. Awesome! I cannot believe the volume of information in this course. I don’t know that anyone could ever fully exhaust the arsenal of exercises and methods of exercise in this course. I cannot wait to get started!”
Thad Kittleson

“The best work of its kind and essential reading for anyone interested in real health training.”
Darren Matthews

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training was absolutely incredibly motivating. In fact, I had to fight the urge to go work out after reading only a few pages”
Perry Berthelot

“I’ve been working through Dinosaur Bodyweight Training, and watched your ‘Ropes and Rings’ DVD last night. Awesome job!”
Dave Doering

“The course looks great! I can’t wait to dig into it. Again, many thanks.”
George Hilgendorf

Dinosaur Bodyweight Training is a masterpiece!”
David Weiner

“I ordered Dinosaur Bodyweight Training and have had great results. I have lost 25 pounds of fat and gained lots of muscle. My boss just had to buy me new uniform pants because the pants I had no longer fit my legs. He told me, ‘Whatever you’re doing, stop it, before you need new shirts.’ Too late — my chest and arms are bulging already. Thank you for the great program.”
Anthony Sandbothe, Jr.

“I had heart surgery. At the time of my surgery I weighed 282 pounds (I am 6’4” tall). A friend lent me the Dinosaur Bodyweight Training course and what a difference it has made. I have four children and a loving wife, and thanks to this life-altering material, I hope to enjoy their company for many years. Six weeks later, I am down to 259 lbs. and am starting to feel like a new man again. My goal is 215 lbs. and unbelievably strong by my next birthday.”
Scott Schultz

“I have a copy of the original Dino Bodyweight Training course. Great course!”
Andrew Rolfe

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A beautiful 8½” x 11″, softcover book with 200 pages and over 180 photos!

Order your copy of Brooks Kubik’s Dinosaur Bodyweight Training today!


Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

by Brooks Kubik

$ 39.95 + S&H

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Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 1-2
Dinosaur Training
Kubik 2-2
Knife, Fork, Muscle
Kubik 3-2
Gray Hair
and Black Iron
Kubik 4-2
Strength, Muscle
and Power
Kubik 5-2
Chalk and Sweat
Kubik 6-2
Black Iron:
The John Davis Story
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training


You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 7-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 1
A Novel
Kubik 8-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 2
Clouds of War
Kubik 9-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 3
The 1,000 Pound Total
Kubik 10-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 4
York Goes to War!
Kubik 11-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 5
Barbells in the Pacific

<-- Click to return to the Brooks Kubik page

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