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Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

by Brooks D. Kubik

Author of the international best seller, “Dinosaur Training”

Kubik 13-2When people think about dumbbell training, they usually think about isolation-style bodybuilding exercises with relatively light dumbbells.

You know – triceps extensions, lateral raises and concentration curls.

But that’s the MODERN version of dumbbell training.

Many of the old-time strongmen – the men that the author writes about in “Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength and Development”, and his other books and courses, – specialized in dumbbell training. But it was a far different type of dumbbell training than you see today.

Consider this:

Three-time NABBA Mr. Universe winner “REG PARK” – England’s greatest bodybuilder and the most massively developed and strongest bodybuilder in the entire world in the 1950’s – set a British record in the two-hands dumbbell clean and press.

The Canadian Hercules, Doug Hepburn, a World weightlifting champion, World Record holder, Commonwealth Games weightlifting champion, and one of the strongest and most massive men who ever lived, set records in the one and two dumbbell press that have never been equaled.

Tommy Kono – a two-time Olympic Gold medal winner, six-time World weightlifting champion, four time Mr. Universe and holder of 26 World records in four different weight classes – believed so strongly in the value of heavy dumbbell training that he had a machinist friend make a specially designed pair of dumbbell handles so he could handle his absolute maximum in heavy dumbbell training.

Legendary New York City gym owner “Sig Klein” – one of the best developed men of his generation, and pound for pound one of the strongest men of all time (he set a professional world record in the military press, handling more than 150% of his own body-weight) – considered heavy dumbbell training to be one of the true secrets of the old-time strongmen.

The incomparable “John Grimek”, the legendary Monarch of Muscledom, did much of his training with heavy dumbbells – and was able to clean and press a pair of 140-pound dumbbells! Grimek also excelled at the one arm swing – and was so good at this lift that when the York Barbell Club held informal contests on the lift, they told Grimek he was “too good” to compete!

The legendary strongmen who thrilled the world during the Golden Age of Strength – John Marx, “Arthur Saxon”, Eugen Sandow, “Thomas Inch”, Louis Cyr, and Louis Uni (Apollon) – all trained with heavy dumbbells.

So dumbbell training – OLD-SCHOOL DUMBBELL TRAINING – has a long and impressive history, dating all the way back to the very beginning of organized weightlifting.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Bill Hinbern
Foreword by Mike Mahler

Chapter 1 – The Old-Timer’s Secret Weapon

Chapter 2 – Dinosaur Dumbbell Basics

Chapter 3 – Swings, Snatches and Cleans

Chapter 4 – Presses, Push Presses and Jerks

Chapter 5 – Squats and Step-Ups

Chapter 6 – Deadlifts, High Pulls, Shrugs and Rowing

Chapter 7 – Double Combination Exercises

Chapter 8 – Triple Combination Exercises

Chapter 9 – Dinosaur Dumbbell Workouts

The Wrap-up
About the Author

But dumbbells are more than merely old-school – and there are plenty of reasons to learn how to use them.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of heavy, Dino-style dumbbell training:

1. Perfect for home gym trainees

2. Builds explosive power

3. Develops tremendous functional strength

4. Corrects muscle imbalances

5. Fast, fun, and exciting

6. Builds a gorilla grip

7. Easy to learn

8. Plate-loading dumbbells give you a complete, inexpensive, fully equipped home gym

9. Older trainees can adapt dumbbell exercises to make them as joint-friendly as possible

10. Goes hand in hand with kettlebell training

11. Works perfectly with body-weight training

12. Builds massive, powerful and super-strong arms and shoulders

13. Gives you the rugged strength and back development of a competitive weightlifter

14. Enhances agility, timing and athleticism

15. Enhances the mind-muscle link

16. Allows you to measure your performance against the legendary champions of the Golden Age

17. Works perfectly in a small space

18. Gives maximum results in minimum time

19. Dumbbells are fully adjustable and allow you to add as little as half a pound at a time for continuous progression

20. Dumbbell training develops balance, coordination and muscle control

But as was stated before, we’re talking about Dino-style dumbbell training. So forget about the lateral raises, the triceps pumpers and the concentration curls with the little finger extended and rotated upward for “maximum muscle contraction”.

Instead, we’re going to cover TOTAL BODY TRAINING WITH DUMBBELLS – using old-school exercises that will build more strength and explosive power than you ever imagined.

In “Dinosaur Dumbbell Training”, you’re going to learn more than 100 Dinosaur Dumbbell Exercises – that will take you through each exercise step by step, with photos to show you how to perform every exercise in perfect form!

You’ll learn how to perform the following exercises with dumbbells – and for some of them, you’ll learn one-hand lifts, two-hand lifts, power style lifts, split style lifts, lifts from the hang and lifts from the floor:

  • Swings
  • Cleans
  • Snatches
  • Presses
  • Push Presses
  • Jerks
  • Deadlifts
  • High Pulls
  • Squats
  • Rowing
  • And many more!

You’ll also learn how to combine two different double exercises into a power-packed one-two punch that lets you work your body twice as hard as single exercise programs.

And for those who are looking for an even greater challenge, triple combination exercises are included: three dumbbell movements performed back to back as a single exercise.

And yes, double combination and triple combination dumbbell exercises will allow you to build more strength and power in less time – and to improve your conditioning enormously! That makes it perfect for athletes, perfect for martial artists, perfect for law enforcement, military, fire-fighters and first responders – and perfect for anyone who wants to get a great workout with a minimum amount of training time!

But “Dinosaur Dumbbell Training” brings you much, much more!

You’ll also learn a simplified system of dumbbell training that allows you to train fast, hard and effectively with minimal weight changes from start to finish – and you’ll learn how to combine Dino-style dumbbell training with your choice of heavy barbell movements – kettlebell training – body-weight training – or combination programs that feature all of these training methods.

And that’s not all!

1. “Dinosaur Dumbbell Training” also includes 50 different workouts!

2. All-dumbbell workouts.

3. Workouts that combine dumbbell training with barbell exercises.

4. Workouts that mix dumbbell training and body-weight exercises.

5. Total body workouts.

6. Abbreviated workouts.

7. Ultra-abbreviated workouts.

8. One-exercise workouts.

9. Specialization programs.

Put it all together, and you’ll have an encyclopedia of hard-core, Dino-style dumbbell exercises – with everything you need to know about how to integrate dumbbell training into your program – for great workouts, great training, great gains and great results!

Here’s What People Are Saying About
“Dinosaur Dumbbell Training”
by Brooks Kubik:

“Brooks Kubik, author of best selling Dinosaur Training, has done it, again! This time, the head Dino Man takes on another important training concept — he reveals his tried and true secrets of dumbbell training!

Culled from his personal training diaries, based on 40 years of successful training experience, his ideas and methods will “jump start” your training results like never before!”
— Bill Hinbern
World Famous Weight Training Authority,
Author, collector, and publisher of Strongman
Memorabilia, books, courses, etc.

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A beautiful 8½” x 11″, softcover book with 180 pages and over 300 photos!

Order your copy of Brooks Kubik’s Dinosaur Dumbbell Training today!


Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

by Brooks Kubik

$ 39.95 + S&H

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Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 1-2
Dinosaur Training
Kubik 2-2
Knife, Fork, Muscle
Kubik 3-2
Gray Hair
and Black Iron
Kubik 4-2
Strength, Muscle
and Power
Kubik 5-2
Chalk and Sweat
Kubik 6-2
Black Iron:
The John Davis Story
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training


You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 7-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 1
A Novel
Kubik 8-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 2
Clouds of War
Kubik 9-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 3
The 1,000 Pound Total
Kubik 10-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 4
York Goes to War!
Kubik 11-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 5
Barbells in the Pacific

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