The 4th Book in the Landmark Series…

Legacy of Iron Vol. 4

York Goes to War!

by Brooks D. Kubik

Kubik 10-2The continuing saga of the Legacy of Iron takes us to the morning of December 7th 1941 when the United States entered World War II.

The war demanded a massive, all out effort from each and every citizen.

The draft called upon every able bodied man from rural farm boys to city boys.

Most of these young men were the product of hard times and hard work. Some were fortunate enough to better themselves through the use of weight training exercise.

Jack was no exception.

Weight training at York had taken him from a scrawny, withdrawn, self-conscious, little boy, into manhood.

If ever there was a time to see his muscles pay off, this was it.

Testimonials for

“Legacy of Iron Vol. 4 – York Goes to War!”
by Brooks Kubik

“A heartfelt thanks to you, Brooks, for reviving so many of my boyhood heroes in your exciting series, Legacy of Iron. You vividly captured the thrills of their exploits and epic battles during the golden era of American weightlifting. I just devoured the first three, and am hungry for more.”
Pete George
World and Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Yours for greater strength,

Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training

A 5½” x 8½” softcover book with over 262 pages and 126 chapters!

Order Your Copy of Brooks Kubik’s Exciting New Book Today…
and Learn How They Trained During the Golden Years of the Iron Game!

Legacy of Iron Vol. 4

York Goes to War!

by Brooks Kubik

$ 24.95 + S&H

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You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 7-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 1
A Novel
Kubik 8-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 2
Clouds of War
Kubik 9-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 3
The 1,000 Pound Total
Kubik 10-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 4
York Goes to War!
Kubik 11-2
Legacy of Iron:
Vol. 5
Barbells in the Pacific


For a Limited Time Only…

Legacy of Iron Series

Remaining Volumes 2,3,4,5

(Volume 1 is SOLD OUT!)

Regularly $ 99.80

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Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:

(click on any image to read more!)


Kubik 1-2
Dinosaur Training
Kubik 2-2
Knife, Fork, Muscle
Kubik 3-2
Gray Hair
and Black Iron
Kubik 4-2
Strength, Muscle
and Power
Kubik 5-2
Chalk and Sweat
Kubik 6-2
Black Iron:
The John Davis Story
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training
Dinosaur Dumbbell Training

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