The 1st Book in the Landmark Series…
Legacy of Iron Vol. 1
A Novel
by Brooks D. Kubik
Here it is, finally, after 12 long years, the latest hot selling book by premier strength author and champion weightlifter, Brooks Kubik, the man who coined the phrase, “Dinosaur Training.”
Have you ever asked yourself, “How did the old time strongmen and lifters train? What secret training methods did they use? What kinds of food did they eat? And just how did they live on a day to day basis?”
Think about it, what could be better than going back into time and training with all the big names in weightlifting. You know, back in the Golden Era of Weightlifting, the 30’s, back when America was cranking out National Champions left and right, back when America won Olympic medals in weightlifting hand over fist!
And, how would you like to picture yourself, as a young teenager, in the same room with Bob Hoffman, owner of York Barbell Co. and John Grimek, Mr. America? Or how about Steve Stanko, Mr. Universe, and Harry “Bosco” Paschall, etc., to name a few. Listening to their conversations about lifting. Getting a feel for their personalities, who they really are and how they interact with one another.
Well, here’s your opportunity to do just that and more!
If you are into weightlifting, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding, in fact, any kind of strength training at all, you won’t want to put this book down till it’s finished!
That’s right, believe me, this book will not only entertain and inspire you, but educate you as well. And don’t be surprised if you find yourself reaching for a pencil and notebook to jot down the old school training methods that really work!
What kind of training methods? Here’s a list, check’em out:
How to use York Training Course No. 1
Strength training and muscle building for beginners
Combining strength training and deep breathing exercises
Dumbbell training for beginners
How to combine barbell and dumbbell training
The importance of heavy leg and back training
The five day per week system
How to use York Training Course No. 2
The five different kinds of exercise
The 5 x 5 system
Steve Stanko’s competition tips for beginning lifters
Visualization for lifters
Arm blasting with John Grimek and Steve Stanko
How to build pressing power
John Grimek’s secret exercise for pressing power
Tony Terlazzo’s pressing program
How to use York Training Course No. 3 – the Repetition Weightlifting Course
Dumbbell exercises for weightlifters
Golden Age weightlifting programs
Louis Abele’s training program
John Grimek’s training program
Joe Hise’s breathing squat program
The secret exercise of the York weightlifting champions
How the Saxon Brothers trained
John Davis’ Training Program
Developing a powerful second pull
How the Great Gama trained
Training secrets of Warren Lincoln Travis
Sig Klein’s shoulder specialization program
All this and a surprise ending that will…well…you’ll have to read to believe!
“No other book in the history of the Iron Game…
has ever been written quite like this one!”
Testimonials to the Legacy of Iron Series!
by Brooks Kubik
“It’s hard to know where to even begin in conveying my thoughts about Brooks Kubik’s fabulous novel, ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel.’ First, the cover is an attention-grabber, dominated by a striking photo of Kubik holding aloft, with one arm, an old York Cannonball 70-pound dumbbell. Put ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ on a table amidst other books on a table in Barnes and Noble, and it will be ‘Legacy…’ that jumps out at passersby. As for the story, I had always wondered what it would have been like to have lived, and lifted, in that grand Golden Age of American weightlifting of the 1930s and 1940s. And now, having read ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel,’ I know. Kubik’s vivid descriptions, which incorporate a wealth of actual events and history, made me feel as though I was right there with lifting’s immortals: Bob Hoffman, Steve Stanko, John Grimek, John Davis, Harry Paschall, Sig Klein, and Warren Lincoln Travis. At the same time, Kubik’s portrayals of these great men made them all stand out as three-dimensional human beings, not merely collections of lifting statistics. Indeed, as I read through the book I felt as though I was experiencing the privilege of being in the company of these greats myself. No time machine needed with ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ in hand! At the same time, all of the training knowledge packing the book, particularly on the York Courses and John Davis’ Press routine, is a rich haul of invaluable and usable information about training in weightlifting’s Golden Age, when hard work and Iron Will, not pills and shots, were the keys to success and greatness. Incidentally, Kubik’s weaving of this training information throughout the book is a great way to present and teach it. Although the entire book, from the opening sentence, held my rapt attention and interest throughout, the climactic scene near the end (which I won’t give away here) is a page-turner of tight, taught action and peril that I could not put down until I had finished it. Finally, I’ve read a great many novels over the last four and a half decades — some boring, some decent, and some great. But of them all, ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ is the FINEST. For everyone interested in the Iron Game, as well as anyone else just seeking a great and inspiring read, ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ is MUST reading. I give ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ my highest recommendation. Thank you, Brooks, for the fabulous job you did in giving us this fabulous book. I can hardly wait for the sequel, Legacy of Iron Vol. 2 – Clouds of War!”
Richard H., San Jose, California
“I finished reading your book Saturday night and enjoyed it very much. The story really picked up speed toward the end and left me wanting to read more. I am looking forward to the sequel to it now. All the names mentioned in the book was familiar to me so I could just picture the conversation between them that you wrote. It is a great book and anyone who has read Strength and Health or had any connections with York Barbell Company would love reading it. Great book! Don’t take too long in coming up with the next one.”
Tommy Kono
United States, World and Olympic Weightlifting Champion and Record Holder Author of Weightlifting – Olympic Style
“Loved ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel.’ In particular, I appreciated the positive portrayal of York Barbell and its more prominent figures from those years. A lot of people wandered into York Barbell and developed various levels of attachments with those folks. While servicemen sometimes tended to spend their three-day passes trolling for “loose” women in “watering holes”, barbell-oriented GI’s often hitchhiked to York in the hopes of getting to see the name players in Strength and Health train. According to Grimek and Terpak, some of these same soldiers asked if they would be allowed to workout in the gym. Upon receiving the green light, these soldiers couldn’t believe their good fortune. Not atypical, too, were guys from all over the USA who saved up enough money to come live in York for several weeks and do nothing but train at the gym. Certain of these transplants were up-and-coming lifters or bodybuilders, to be sure, but there were other regular weight trainers who just felt they had to experience Muscletown firsthand. Sort of realizing a lifelong dream. Make no mistake about it — your book captures that irresistible draw, magic or vibe that personified York Barbell.”
Jan Dellinger Former Editor of Muscular Development magazine
Former Assistant Editor of Strength and Health magazine
Author of The Dellinger Files
“I am so glad you wrote something like this that will preserve the memory of York and the giants that once inhabited it. I enjoyed many happy and helpful moments with folks like Terpak, Hoffman, Stanko, Grimek, Bachtel, et. al. Had a great correspondence relationship with Harry Paschall. I have an elite collection of weightlifting books on the little table beside my pet chair – only a few qualify for it. You now have two therein: Legacy of Iron: A Novel and Dinosaur Training.”
Arnold Pope
A York 100-percenter since the 1950’s
Master’s Weightlifting Champion and Record Holder
“I wanted to let you know that I had purchased ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ from you and I finished it last week. It was a great book. I enjoyed the weightlifting history that was brought into the storyline. I think that Mr. Kubik did a great job at explaining to people the most important thing was to train. It was a great read. I look forward to the follow up book. Thanks,”
Aron K., Chagrin Falls, Ohio
“I hope the day finds you well. I just received the Brooks Kubik masterpiece ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel’ yesterday. WOW! That is a great book! I read five pages sitting in the truck at the post office. Til I realized someone was waiting for the parking spot. I read five more pages in the lot at the gym before my workout. I read a few more waiting for my truck to warm up(we are in the middle of a 20 below cold snap up here). You were right, you just can’t put that thing down! It reads like a novel but is so rich with information, it’s brilliant! I am a voracious reader and I can’t remember a time I enjoyed a book more. Hats off to Mr. Kubik! My only critique is that the book will come to an end. I do hope he hurries with the sequel. I loved Dinosaur Training, which should be required reading for any strength trainer and now ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel.’ I am proud to have them both on my bookshelf! I would put Brooks’ writings right up into the stratified air that John McCallums’ Keys to Progress occupies! Once again, well done! Thank you for the time you’ve taken to read this, stay strong and stay healthy, Murray”
Murray N., Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada
“I wanted to let you know that I loved ‘Legacy of Iron Vol. 1 – A Novel.’ Brooks did an excellent job with this one.”
Andrew M., Orange, California
“The author has an uncanny knack of being able to make you feel like you are there, sitting next to National Weight Lifting Champions and Olympic Lifters on a day to day basis. Just as if they lived next door. He blends an interesting dramatization using fictitious characters with real flesh and blood people who make up the history of our beloved Iron Game with cold hard facts. No armed chair guru, that’s for sure, Kubik writes in the familiar dialogue that only an experienced lifter would understand. Kudos to Kubik for another literary notch in his lifting belt!”
Bill Hinbern, Farmington, Michigan
Yours for greater strength,
Bill Hinbern
Super Strength Training
A 5½” x 8½” softcover book with over 300 pages and 86 chapters!
Order Your Copy of Brooks Kubik’s Exciting New Book Today…
and Learn How They Trained During the Golden Years of the Iron Game!
Legacy of Iron Vol. 1
A Novel
by Brooks Kubik
You Won’t Want to Miss the Famous “Legacy of Iron” Series
by Brooks Kubik:
(click on any image to read more!)
For a Limited Time Only…Legacy of Iron SeriesRemaining Volumes 2,3,4,5(Volume 1 is SOLD OUT!)Regularly $ 99.80Save $ 9.90!!!Order NOW for ONLY $ 89.90 + S&H |
Check out these other books by Brooks Kubik:
(click on any image to read more!)
![]() Dinosaur Training |
![]() Knife, Fork, Muscle |
![]() Gray Hair and Black Iron |
![]() Strength, Muscle and Power |
![]() Chalk and Sweat |
![]() Black Iron: The John Davis Story |
![]() Dinosaur Bodyweight Training |
![]() Dinosaur Dumbbell Training |